Month Of May Quotes

The Bay of Bengal is hit frequently by cyclones. The months of November and May in particular are dangerous in this regard.

Maybe you don't work for seven months a year but you'll work again. It may be a piece of garbage so you wear hip boots.

France after the month of May will share trust with the current leadership of the United States which on many subjects has tended to take useful positions in our view.

The trick is when you try a good pair of jeans on you may not think they're that great but you wear them two months and they become your favorite jeans. They're tricky. You gotta let them live.

At 99 and after a long stay in a nursing home the death of legendary photographer Eve Arnold was hardly a surprise - though she may have been just a little annoyed to quit a few months short of 100.

The best thing you can learn from the worst times of your life is that it always gets better. It may take a month a year a decade but it will get better if you leave yourself open to it.

I go through major crises every few months but then I have great peaks of belief and creativity. I'm a weird kind of animal.

Don't forget that compared to a grownup person every baby is a genius. Think of the capacity to learn! The freshness the temperament the will of a baby a few months old!