Money Wealth Quotes

Money is not wealth. Money is a claim on wealth.

All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas - not money.

Rumors of my wealth are greatly exaggerated. I have never been interested in money.

Unless you are completely retired earning money is the best form of wealth preservation.

Our main task is not to see that people of great wealth add to it but that those without much money have a greater chance to earn some.

There's a wealth gap that is happening and that is all over the world you know? The rich are getting richer and holding a higher percentage of money or wealth that's out there.

I think it is what you do with your wealth that is important. I don't believe in accumulating money for money's sake. It's one of the reasons I want to do more about helping women.

Learn to recognize true wealth. Money itself will not make you financially free. That comes as a result of only that powerful state of mind which tells us that we are worth far more than our money.

Nothing incites to money-crimes like great poverty or great wealth.

Money without wisdom diminishes the pleasure and enjoyment of wealth.

Usmanov has got loads of money - we know that from his wealth

The key to wealth is to learn how to make money while you sleep

The information revolution has changed wealth. Intellectual capital is far more important than money.

It's a fact: stock investors sometimes lose money on their way to wealth. Get over it.

Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it's about having a lot of options.

I have no complex about wealth. I have worked very hard for my money; producing things people need.

Wealth is only a benefit of the game of money. If you win the money will be there.

America is not a land of money but of wealth-not a land of rich people but of successful workers.

Independent bread gives independent morals: - while pecuniary dependence makes moral subserviency; - So get money - get wealth

It is the law of wealth that such people only profit from the money that is taken from them.

Money is to be sought for first of all; virtue after wealth. [Lat. Quaerenda pecunia primum est; virtus post nummos.]

Those who know the true use of money and regulate the measure of wealth according to their needs live contented with few things.

I wasn't put on this earth to amass money or personal wealth. I was put on this earth to play guitar and write songs.

Time is valuable and when it is gone it is gone. Time is wealth and unlike money when it is gone you cannot replace it

The wealth is ultimately just a relative thing. As a person with little money and little more needs to rich guys money but really wishes

Liberty is more precious than money or office; and we should be vigilant lest we purchase wealth or place at the price of inner freedom.

Wealth should come like manna from heaven unearned and uncalled for. Money should be like grace -- a gift. It is not worth sweating and scheming for.

A man who was generous with his wealth. It has been reported that during his lifetime Carnegie gave away over $350 million of his money to help others.

Choosing wealth as a goal requires facing everything about your money bravely honestly with courage -- which is a very very hard thing for most of us to do.