Me Against The World Quotes

Sometimes it seems like you and me against the world.

They say I'm difficult so to put it simply....tell the world I never cared it was against me

Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me but deep down I know that's not true. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

It's just me against the world.

I'd rather have the whole world against me than my own soul.

I am for the woods against the world But are the woods for me?

When it all comes down to it it's just me and her against the world. Always has been.

In French you say "I'm alone against the world" and that means "I hate everybody and everybody's against me.

It seems to me that violence against women has been tolerated for so long that the world has become numb to it.

I perceive and relate to the world through where I grew up; that's part of me. It's what I judge everything else against.

I stand for truth. Truth will never ally itself with falsehood. Even if all the world should be against me Truth must prevail in the end.

Johnny' was always a lone wolf when he got on stage. Him against the world whereas suddenly when I got into acting people were relying on me.

For me half the joy of achieving has been the struggle and the fight the pitting myself against the world and all its competition - and winning.

Every human being must have a point at which he stands against the culture where he says this is me and the damned world can go to hell.

As long as I continue to breathe as long as there's injustice in this world I will use the voice that God has given me to speak against it.

I have before me God's Word which cannot fail nor can the gates of hell prevail against it; thereby will I remain though the whole world be against me.

There's something so great about this " she whispers. About what?" I whisper back. About this " she whispers. About being outlaws. It's just you and me?against the world.