Mcdonalds Quotes

I hate Mcdonalds... but i'm forced to eat it.

I tried for modelling work but it was a bit slow and that's when I took a part-time job at McDonalds. It gave me income while I was waiting for my big break and at the very least I could eat.

McDonalds in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl Harbor.

Whenever I go past McDonalds I get very very angry.

I'd rather eat a cow-pat on a bun than a bloody McDonalds.

Drive-Thru McDonalds was more expensive than I thought...once you've hired the car...

Im a McDonalds girl - several times a week. Usually the two-cheeseburger combo meal.

We're the McDonalds of rock. Were always there to satisfy and a billion served.

My feeling is music is a more eloquent international language than Coca-Cola or McDonalds.

I have done a Hamburger Helper commercial a Hardees commercial a McDonalds commercial. American Express commercial.

Pornography is to sex what McDonalds is to food. A plasticized generic version of the real thing.

I can eat everything; chocolate hamburgers pizza go to McDonalds Burger King KFC. It's all in my body.

Kids are not driving themselves to McDonalds. It's not about kids and their choices. It's about parents and their choices.

Food is life life is food. If you don't like my approach you are welcome to go down to McDonalds.

When I first got to St. Louis I saw the arch and I said 'I want to go to that McDonalds.

Today the biggest decisions I make aren't related to the heavyweight title. They are whether I visit McDonalds Burger King Wendy's or Jack-in-the-Box.

Not that I dislike McDonalds but things must be pretty bad in Moscow if people are willing to wait three hours for large fries.

A successful business is a good way to create significant wealth but not every business will grow into a News Corporation or a McDonalds.

If you get down about the state of American culture just remember there are still more public libraries in this country than there are McDonalds.

Break into Alton Towers! I wouldâ?¦ break into McDonalds. And I would kiss everyone. On the lipsâ?¦ before I left the world. I mean man and female.

I guess that the salary that they get when they are working with me is like it beats working at McDonalds so it has got some things going for it.

If I have to work in McDonalds fine - I had a really great run and made a living at music for 20 years and how many other people can say that?

There used to be a time when the idea of heroes was important. People grew up sharing those myths and legends and ideals. Now they grow up sharing McDonalds and Disneyland.

If President Bush does a lousy job then he'll lose power. If the guy at McDonalds who's selling burgers does a great job then he'll be much more powerful than President Bush.

A lot of heavyweights with the exception of a few Eastern Europe fighters they really look like being a heavyweight is just like who can eat the most Pizza Hut and McDonalds.

Well I wasnt just kind of standing in a queue at McDonalds and someone sat down and said Youre the director of a $100 million Hollywood movie. Ive been working in commercials for ten years.