Mad Max Quotes

I always reference 'Mad Max' when I think about what I want to wear. But it's a fine line between that and 'Edward Scissorhands'.

We played every bar party pub hotel lounge church hall mining town - places that made Mad Max territory look like a Japanese garden.

We can either build a Star Trek future in which our civilization rises to new heights or descend into a Mad Max world. It is up to us.

I feel like the original 'Mad Max' created such a vivid world that to go back and re-imagine it and kind of replay in that sandbox sounds like fun to me.

The new 'Mad Max' movie takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. I have a small part in 'Mad Max.' I play the old geezer who remembers what steak tasted like.

I am going home and I think in a week or so hopefully I'll be done with all the press stuff and then I can kind of into my cave and start preparing for "Mad Max.

I thought Charlize Theron was awesome in 'Mad Max ' and that was a very masculine kind of hero.