Love Recipe Quotes

I'd say I'm a good cook. I have a lot of German recipes that I can make - schnitzel meatballs and things with cabbage. I love cabbage.

I used to love looking at a recipe getting all the bits and pieces in the shops getting them ready and prepared... I don't really have the time to do that anymore.

I love the idea of cooking but I don't like using recipe books so I'll put a mish-mash together and it might be amazing by total accident or it will be a catastrophe.

When my novel 'Beach Music' came out in 1995 I had included a couple of recipes in the book and had tried to impart some of my love of Roman cuisine and the restaurants of Rome.

I can make dressing - or stuffing. Y'all call it stuffing up here we call it dressing down there. It's really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on and I love to make that.

My grandsons really love my apple cake which is from my grandmother's recipe.

When I wrote my cookbook 'I Love Crab Cakes ' I asked some of my best chef buddies to contribute recipes.

My son loves my carbonara. I've tried to master that recipe - it's very simple but very delicate. Once prepared it must be eaten quickly.