Love Ballad Quotes

I love ballads. I'm not into fast songs. I love to put my heart and all of my feelings into a song.

My love was Bob Dylan but as I got older I realized a good ballad was a good ballad.

My favorite type of music to sing is definitely those big ballads I just love doing those power ballads.

I love theatrics and have a huge imagination: Why would I want to sit onstage and sing a bunch of ballads back-to-back?

I grew up singing ballads but what I really wanted to get into was the mainstream music on the radio because I really love the beats and everything.

I wanted to bring back that big ballad type of music that we used to love so much. Whitney Houston Mariah Carey when they first came out that's what I grew up singing.

I love a ballad but even too well if it be doleful matter merrily set down or a very pleasant thing indeed and sung lamentably.