Late In School Quotes

We emigrated to South Africa and later to Canada so I went to school in several places.

I wore a coat and tie all through high school: my way of being rebellious in the late 1950s.

Often I went in love with some friends in school. And no I suffered. Only later things went better.

My older sister Nikki went to Hampton music school in Virginia then to another school later in New York.

I didn't even graduate from high school. I've never told anybody that before. I got my degree later when I was in the army.

The funny guy doesn't get the girl until later in life. High school college everyone still wants the brooding dangerous guy you shouldn't have.

My interest in the sciences started with mathematics in the very beginning and later with chemistry in early high school and the proverbial home chemistry set.

In elementary school we should teach nonviolent conflict resolution and healthy communication skills which will help children cope with issues like rejection and sexuality later in life.

When I went to high school in the late 1970s disco was in full swing and anyone who was into it dressed the part. I know I did.

A lot of high school students on TV and in Broadway are played by people in their late 20s and even early 30s. That seems weird to me.

I was always an actor starting in middle school. I was in all the plays and all that. But dancing didn't come into my life until late into high school.

I got the writing bug in the fourth grade when a poem of mine was published in the school newspaper. Music criticism came a little later when I was in high school.

I loved to write; in my late teens I had a 'zine. But it wasn't until I went back to school later on in my 20s that I actually saw that I had writing talent.

She gets to school late. Bashful gives her a tardy and won't reconsider. Janie always hated Bashful. Stupidest. Dwarf. Ever.

It's nothing. A school project. My go-to answer for anything. Staying out late? School project. Need extra money? School project.

Raven! What are you doing up so late? You have school tomorrow!"..."But I thought it was just the one time?

I didn't mind being in school. But I was usually uninspired and always late. I did what I had to but not more.

We real cool. We Left school. We Lurk late. We Strike straight. We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon.

It wasn't until late high school and early college that I gained enough size and skill to make me welcome on intramural basketball teams.

I was an amateur wrestler which I loved. It was my passion but I started really late; I was a junior in high school when I began.

I didn't start writing until late high school and then I was just diddling. Mainly I loved to read and my writing was an outgrowth of that.

I was a very awkward high schooler especially in early high school. I had the middle part with a swoop all that. It was the late â??90s!