Knowledgeable Quotes

A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world's nations toward saving the climate.

People always comment about my clothes. They don't think a fashionable woman can love food and be knowledgeable and actually cook.

Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable determined and vigorous person on it. There must be somebody who provides the flame.

If all ideas have to be bought then you have an intellectually regressive system that will assure you have a highly knowledgeable elite and an ignorant mass.

Now is the most exciting time in fashion. Women are controlling their destiny now the consumer is more knowledgeable and I have to be better every single day.

NASCAR fans are very knowledgeable and very passionate.

I would rather be ignorant than knowledgeable of evils.

There are three signs of a knowledgeable person: knowledge forbearance and silence.

Only a knowledgeable empowered and vocal citizenry can perform well in democracy.

I demand that my books be judged with utmost severity by knowledgeable...

We are more powerful more knowledgeable better prepared than we think we ever are.

Associating with the wise and the knowledgeable people adds to the prestige of a person.

I would like to be known as someone who was really sweet but also knowledgeable in all areas of life.

A highly cultivated taste a taste that is knowledgeable and eclectic is likely to be exciting and provocative a personal taste at its highest level.

I had an inspirational teacher at my junior school: Peter Nixon. He was enthusiastic knowledgeable and slightly scary - a good combination for a teacher.

The People of the Sunnah are the most knowledgeable of mankind concerning the truth and the most merciful of the creation towards the rest of creation.

When a problem comes along study it until you are completely knowledgeable. Then find that weak spot break the problem apart and the rest will be easy.

A final word: I am not knowledgeable about the internet. I do not have a computer. I guess that at 74 years of age I don't have the patience to learn.

David Mamet was great to work with. He was everything that I thought he would be as a director. He's incredibly articulate an easy collaborator. Extraordinarily knowledgeable about film and writing.

I am knowledgeable enough about the world of prizes to realize that there is a large degree of luck - both for the recognitions that you receive and those that you did not.

Happy the man who like Ulysses has made a fine voyage or has won the Golden Fleece and then returns experienced and knowledgeable to spend the rest of his life among his family!

I like Velvet Underground but I was never really hardcore into them. I like them and I like Nico but I won't front like I'm super knowledgeable. I just never got around to it.

Become as knowledgeable as possible.

Resolute responsible determined knowledgeable and perceptive

People cannot become truly knowledgeable without being excellent readers.

And I am too knowledgeable now to hurt people imprecisely

In order to take care of our ocean we need to be knowledgeable.

What creates happiness peace and balance is not becoming simply powerful but knowledgeable.

Credo Mutwa the most knowledgeable man i have ever had the honor of knowing.

The most knowledgeable person in one domain may be the most ignorant in another.

But we need a medical community that's trained and knowledgeable and working on advancement.

There are a lot of directors who are knowledgeable about images and others who aren't.

Parents are always more knowledgeable than their children and children are always smarter than their parents.

It is understandable that people cannot be knowledgeable about all the different mediums. Sometimes it is funny.

No matter how knowledgeable you are respect your parents for their experience and your children for their curiosity.

Much of the fear of doing something wrong vanishes when we are knowledgeable about what we are doing.

There are subjects in which I wish to become knowledgeable and subjects in which I wish to remain wise.

We've gotten commitments from medical schools from nursing schools to step up and increase that pool of knowledgeable individuals.

Regulators are in the best position to regulate when they are intimately knowledgeable about the activities they are regulating.

The most knowledgeable person is not necessarily the person who runs the government nor the church nor the business.

The creative genius may be at once naive and knowledgeable being at home equally with primitive symbolism and rigorous logic.

Be knowledgeable in your niche provide some information free of charge and share other trustworthy people's free resources whenever possible...

Become more and more innocent less knowledgeable and more childlike. Take life as fun - because that's precisely what it is!

Honest people knowledgeable people really well-informed people can have very different views about what the right measures are on national security.

You might recall perhaps that we were probably the only commentators to rely on the most knowledgeable source State Department intelligence.

Flair-a primitive kind of style-may be innate but I think knowledgeable taste is learned the result of travel experience living education.

I want to be known by people who are knowledgeable about opera who appreciate bel canto singing people who have more sensitivity.

The knowledgeable person lives with a question mark '?' and the man of awe and wonder lives with an exclamation mark.

I love running in Europe man running at places like Zurich and Crystal Palace where the crowd is so knowledgeable and appreciative.

A critic must be knowledgeable in several fields practices and mediums. Brushing off art that they personally don't understand is not a critique.

We can let our past [difficulties and failures] beat us or teach us [to be more knowledgeable competent and realistic in the future]!

I really try to write as an ordinary person would not as someone who's too sophisticated about food or too knowledgeable about things.

I find that here in the States audiences are generally less knowledgeable from the cognitive point of view though they are emotionally more receptive.

The reason the Betsy DeVos case was the centerpiece case for the Democrats wasn't about her weakness as a knowledgeable person on education policy.

I am Living proof that you don't have to be an insider to be knowledgeable about Fashion and have an impact on the industry.

The path of the knowledgeable successful person which only leads to supreme good fortune and great success is always directly in front of you.

You are too smart and too knowledgeable to believe much of the nonsense you have been espousing on global warming and many other issues.

The one who does not honor the teacher and the one who does not honor the task although ever so knowledgeable they are confused.

I like a mysterious man. I like a man who reads and is knowledgeable about the world but who doesn't have to brag about it.

E. B. White had a romantic tenderness toward nature in a capital R 19th-century way. He was knowledgeable a part-time farmer and a hardheaded realistic person.

Young Americans today are no more learned or skilful than their predecessors no more knowledgeable fluent up-to-date or inquisitive except in the materials of youth culture.

I think it reflects well on the state of animation that people are knowledgeable about it and love the fantasy and imagination that goes into it.

Al [Michaels] is inquisitive knowledgeable and incredibly well-prepared. I don't know what his IQ is but it's probably only a couple of points lower than mine.

Besides numerous science courses I had the opportunity to study philosophy the history of architecture economics and Russian history in courses taught by extraordinarily knowledgeable professors.

We have a greater responsibility to act than those who live in ignorance. Once you become knowledgeable you have an obligation to do something about it.

I know. You know I know. I know you know I know. We know Henry knows and Henry knows we know it. We're a knowledgeable family.

I felt the naivete of a child in my dancing. I cherished that feeling. I had what I call a knowledgeable naivete and it worked for me.

Your processes are amazingly fast yet flexible and the people at Screaming Circuits from finance to the factory floor are all knowledgeable and a joy to work with.

The most successful filmmakers are not always the most knowledgeable ones. They are the ones who put action to what they learnt. They do not talk about doing.

One can become something other than human. One can become limitless enlightened aware awakened knowledgeable and powerful in ways that human beings who traverse this earth cannot yet fathom.

A knowledgeable physical therapist can slowly build up patients' confidence by reassuring them that there is no structural problem and reminding them of the physiologic reason for the pain.

Every artist is first of all a craftperson thoroughly knowledgeable about the materials tools and techniques of his or her particular medium and skilled in using many of them.

But these young people have such an intelligent knowledgeable surface and then the crust suddenly breaks and you look down into the depths of confusion you didn't know existed.

He [Rubio] is so knowledgeable about this issue ... I'm glad to see somebody with his background step forward and say it's important and we need to look at it.

In a late-night monologue it's not just about being funny; you have to come off as knowledgeable. You have to cultivate a persona of trust and intelligence and likeability.

If you are bored with your own photography you are really bored with what you are photographing so pick a new subject about which you are knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

I made an enjoyable living as a very young man but I think as I became more comfortable and knowledgeable about myself and what I wanted I moved into acting.

That was the secret he believed to success in any endeavor: to be a careful knowledgeable and efficient observer of the world and to act in accordance with what you saw.

Because Cards' fans are the most knowledgeable and loyal in all of baseball they booed almost reluctantly polite as booing goes what would have passes as a standing ovation in Philly.

A challenge always is good. Normal design does not come under the constraints of a small budget and time frame. But it has helped me to make quick and knowledgeable decisions.

I had hoped at my departure I would feel sure and knowledgeable about everything that lay ahead -- after all I had been "analyzed." Instead all I could see were question marks.

New York is great but the New England fans are probably the most knowledgeable and ardent fans and not just in baseball but all sports. But Red Sox Nation is Red Sox Nation.

I noticed that this defense attorney is a very very intelligent man and he's very cool and he's very knowledgeable and I think that personally I'd like to have an attorney like him.

The Bush Cabinet is quite interesting there are no flashy people in there. No stars. They all seem quite focused and serious and knowledgeable about the areas to which they have been appointed.

Common sense is an instinct given to man and enough of it is genius. Smartness is measured by the level of common sense one has not by how much educated or knowledgeable he is.

In my investigation in the service of the god I found that those who had the highest reputation were nearly the most deficient while those who were thought to be inferior were more knowledgeable.

It's very hard to get pretentious about beer. You can become knowledgeable and start to talk with a highfalutin' vocabulary. But you can only go so far with beer and I've always liked that.

[On gay men:] Let me say a more artistic appreciative group of people for the arts does not exist ... They are more knowledgeable more loving of the arts. They make the average male look stupid.

On Planet of the Apes I had a very knowledgeable team who knew good materials but I had one main source person who worked online and on the street continually looking for the proper materials.