Kindness And Humor Quotes

OK in all seriousness I would say I couldn't be in a relationship without equality generosity integrity spirit kindness and humor. And awesomeness.

Michael Pollan is a champion. In all ways. A man of great integrity humor and common sense and kindness.

Kindness and a generous spirit go a long way. And a sense of humor. It's like medicine - very healing.

I value humor kindness and the ability to tell a good story far more than money status or the kind of car someone drives.

Honesty without kindness humor and goodheartedness can be just mean.

Transparency honesty kindness good stewardship even humor work in businesses at all times.

I'm more interested in plot than theme but I hope my values find their way into my stories: kindness sympathy effort and humor!

Melissa Pritchard's prose that darkly lyrical firmament is brightened by the dizzy luminous arrangement of her stars and satellites her great gifts to us: humor irony kindness brilliance.