Kids Movie Quotes

I like being in kids' movies and I like being in family movies.

I realized that everything I do is fantasy whether it is an adult movie or a kids movie.

I don't get the action... well I never did get the big action hero parts. I was always locked into making the kids movies which were a lot of fun.

I'm not trying to turn into Eddie Murphy and just do kids movies the rest of my career. I'm going to still do a wide variety of movies as well as do hardcore rap.

Yeah I definitely wanted to do a kids' movie because I have a kid. I want to do things that my daughter can see soon - when she is old enough to know what a movie is.

In the future I want a movie career kids and a happy marriage.

I think the moment you try to make a movie for kids you make garbage.

Scary is good. Kids like going to a movie and being really scared rather than fake scared.

I think when I have kids and grandchildren I will be very proud to have them watch this movie.

In every single 'Tinker Bell' movie I feel like there's a message that I'm proud to communicate with kids.

My perception of making a movie before I started making movies was that it would be like 'Spy Kids'.

If you try to target a movie at kids you end up with something that makes parents take a nap.

Movie stars today are as greedy for additional kids as bankers are for bonuses. It's the new badge of authenticity.

I'd like to get a degree. You ever see the movie 'Back to School?' I'll go back with my kids.

I like the values in Flicka and I wanted to do a movie my kids could see and be proud of.

Kids in general make things fresh and alive and they have this great appreciation for Holy mackerel we're making a movie!

If I had free time to go to Los Angeles to shoot a movie I would rather spend it with my kids.

The only way I think about kids in production is practically the younger the kids are the harder it is to shot the movie.

You look at that movie [Dude Where's My Car?] now and you know exactly when it was made. And that's what kids were like then.

I think in terms of chapters. Every time I finish a movie it's a chapter. When one of my kids graduates from school that's a chapter.

There will always be another group of kids going to college drinking beer and discovering that movie. Many of them have never even heard of SCTV.

I've had kids come to me and say 'Oh I loved your movie when I was a kid and I became a marine biologist.' It's crazy.

I'm a family man I have kids and I go to the movies. And I'm just going to make the kind of movie I want to see.

Animation is the one type of movie that really does play for the entire audience. Our challenge is to make stories that connect for kids and adults.

I've remained friends with all of them. We'remaking a fun kids movie and it's a comedy so we're just having fun and running around fighting these aliens.

Working with kids is usually very fun. They get so into movie and they're up for anything. Usually they're having such an exciting experience everybody feels that.

My kids are not that interested in my movie career by the way. My son in particular never talks about it. He just wants me as his dad.

Even the way the kids react with media today is so completely different than what most movies have. We just wanted to make a movie that challenged them.

I'd like to think that the notion of inspiration will transcend cultural things that are going on. There's something classic about this movie that I'm hoping reaches kids.

The Replacements' is where I met Jon Favreau and we just clicked like you know like kids at a camp. And he wrote my next movie which was 'Made.'

Alan Cumming was such a fun guy to watch. I remember he has a song in the first 'Spy Kids' movie and when Danny Elfman came to set they were working on the song.