Keenness Quotes

Keenness of hearing revives when one is alone.

Reading is a stouthearted activity disporting courage keenness stick-to-it-ness.

In small towns people scent the wind with noses of uncommon keenness.

No metal can--no not the hangman's axe--bear half the keenness of thy sharp envy.

Lay not the plummet to the line; religion hath no landmarks; no human keenness can discern the subtle shades of faith.

We see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is conducted by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union.

A lawyer art thou? Draw not nigh! Go carry to some fitter place The keenness of that practised eye The hardness of that sallow face.

Man's value before God is estimated by the dispositions of his heart its uprightness its good will its charity and not by keenness of intellect or extent of knowledge.

Liberty and order will never be perfectly safe until a trespass on the Constitution provisions for either shall be felt with the same keenness that resents and invasion of the dearest rights...

Love is frightened at the intervals of insensibility and callousness that encroach by little and little on the domain of grief and it makes efforts to recall the keenness of the first anguish.

I am sensible that my keenness of temper and a vanity to be distinguished for the day make me too often splash in life.... I amresolved to restrain myself and attend more to decorum.

The infinite wonders of the universe are revealed to us in exact measure as we are capable of receiving them. The keenness of our vision depends not on how much we can see but on how much we feel.

Broadly speaking the discovery of X-rays has increased the keenness of our vision ten thousand times and we can now 'see' the individual atoms and molecules.

No one â?¦ can entirely step out of his time that despite his keenness of vision his thinking is in many ways bound to be influenced by the mentality of his time