Justice Department Quotes

I think the Justice Department needs to be the final protector of the people of the United States of America.

What is so remarkable about the success of affirmative action is that it has been accomplished despite the Justice Department and the policies of the federal government.

This is going to be a very transparent Justice Department. But I'm not gonna sacrifice the safety of the American people or our ability to protect the American homeland.

All of us want to have meaning in our lives and want to feel like we're doing something that makes a difference. I believe we're doing that in the Justice Department.

I certainly have the energy and there's probably nobody that knows the Justice Department better than me.

We need to give them [the Justice Department] as much power as we can without eroding fundamental liberties.

Guaranteed full stop nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law.

I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It's not a good use of our resources.

I never would force the Justice Department to go to California and arrest people getting medical marijuana when that's the law there.

Maybe the Clinton chapter is over now. They've brought enough disgrace to America the presidency and the state department. They corrupted the Justice Department.

Since the Justice Department refuses to allow you to render a verdict I'm going to present the case now on the facts against Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Justice Department ruled that Native American tribes are allowed to grow and sell marijuana on reservations. This decision was hailed as a victory by Native American leader Giggling Eagle.

I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI not just in this case but in any case full stop period.

My dean gave me permission to model during my work semester even though I was in the Criminal Justice Department. I don't know whether I'd ever have become a model if he hadn't let me do that.

The first condition of nonviolence is justice all round in every department of life.

The Department of Justice transcends party because we're building on the Weed and Seed program.

My attorney general will restore the integrity of the Department of Justice which has been severely questioned.

I will appoint an attorney general who will reform the Department of Justice like it was necessary after Watergate.

I'm not going to let people who work in the United States Department of Justice have their characters be assailed without any basis.

We have to remind the people: Congress has the constitutional obligation and public responsibility to oversee these issues and the Department of Justice's operations.

In addition for almost a year now I have been urging the President the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission to investigate suspicious gas price spikes.

Operation Fast and Furious was flawed in concept and flawed in execution. The tactics used in this operation violate Department of Justice policy and should never have been used.