Just For Fun Quotes

I'm not up for violence just for fun.

Nothing in this world is at it seems. Except possibly porridge.

Whether it is fun to go to bed with a good book depends a great deal on who's reading it.

I had always been an enthusiastic reader of stuff about ancient Greece. I would read Herodotus and Thucydides just for fun.

Many adults feel that every children's book has to teach them something.... My theory is a children's book... can be just for fun.

It may not seem like much but think of the consequences. One overdue library book today the collapse of the universe by the end of the week.

I burned down my backyard as a seven-year-old. I poured kerosene over dried leaves and set the whole place on fire just for fun. Yeah not a very normal thing to do.

Just for fun I'm really goofy and I would love to do some stupid comedy. I'm talking like crazy out there Will Ferrell type of thing. I love it; I think those movies are so funny.

Once there was an elephant Who tried to use the telephant. No! no! I mean an elephone Who tried to use the telephone. Dear me I am not certain quite That even now I've got it right.

I just love drama. I love the idea of exploring relationships whatever they may be. That's fun for me.

Fun is just another word for learning.

Lying just for the fun of it is either art or pathology.

The fun part for me is to just really push that envelope.

I'm very much looking forward to doing nothing fixed just riding for fun.

Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone!

I was writing music for the sake of writing music; it was just fun.

I've learned it's a human responsibility to create fun not just wait for it.

Drums just always sounded like the most fun part of that good music for me.

Maybe women should leave time for themselves and their relationships and just have some fun.

Know what the Taliban leaders like to do for fun? Just sit around and get bombed.

I just want a look so classic that I don't get made fun of for it later!

I started D.J.-ing my first year of college just for fun and to pay bills.

Go out and have fun. Golf is a game for everyone not just for the talented few.

The fun for me in collaboration is one working with other people just makes you smarter; that's proven.

I hate to play a tournament in which I'm not contending. It's just not any fun for me.

Yeah some of my college friends and I have been tinkering around for years you know just for fun.

When people refer to 'Back in the Day ' it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you.

My younger years of modeling were really just filled with fun trips. I was doing catalogues for Alexander's and Bloomingdale's.

We lusty bibliophiles know that reading unlike just about anything else is both good for you and loads of fun.

Be kind; you're only here for a while. No sense of superiority just do things for others. It's really fun.

It's so fun to just slip on different hats and play different characters even if it's just for a minute.

It's fun to play dress up for work but when you have those off-days it's nice to just be low-key.

In Los Angeles I had shaved my beard and dyed my hair black just for a change to have some fun.

I love to be pursued. I think that when you're not a challenge it's just nnot as fun for the guy.

Try and stay sober. Until the curtain call. And for God's sake have fun. Don't suffer for your art. Just have fun.

It's never much fun at school - it's just dates. Then as you get older for some reason you get more interested.

I still go to acting class. I love the craft. It's just so much fun for me and I'm always a student.

If it's a good story then everybody is trying to tell it everybody is better for it and it's just more fun.

Because Iâ??ve had a taste and Iâ??m not sharing. This isnâ??t just for fun. I may be slightly addicted.

If we want to go to space with humans that's for fun not for science. Human adventures in space are just sporting events.

For me off the field cartoons are something that can ease my mind and get me back into having fun and just relaxing.

I tend to just go for it and not worry about what people think and just really try to have fun with things.

It'll be just lovely for you to play -- it'll be so hard. And there's so much more fun when it is hard!

The autumn wind is a Raider / Pillaging just for fun; / He'll knock you around / And upside down / And laugh when he's conquered and won.

I find that falling in love is way more fun than just having that instant attraction that you have to maintain for a relationship.

I don't really look for specific types of projects any more. I'm not taking care of a career anymore. I'm just having fun acting.

Kids can make fun of you for having the wrong shoelaces: that's just kids. But I don't think I had any trouble making friends.

I just want to sleep and exercise and travel for fun. And relax. It sounds so ordinary but I haven't done it for 20 years.

They'd poisoned me dammit. Probably to trade my dead body to the barbarians for Wulfgar's safe return. Or maybe just for the fun of it.

I'm not much of a water skier my legs are too skinny for that so I just try to tube and have fun just ride.

I should have been dead 50 60 years ago. God just wasn't ready for me. Because I used to raise hell and drink. I've had my fun!

I'm not really playing for the money ... I just want to go out there and have fun. I really missed it so much last year.

I love Nashville. I've been here so many times... oh man I would stay here for a year if I could. It's just so much fun.

These dog bones are just making art the way art should be made without any overarching reference. Just for fun if you can imagine that-art for fun.

When you make art you get really invested in it. When art happens by accident and you were just along for the ride? It's way more fun.

A couple of friends and I started a sketch comedy group when we were teenagers just for fun and to start creating stuff. It was a blast.

For you maybe I'm a fool but it's fun. People say you rule me with one wave of your hand. Darling it's grand they just don't understand.

For those people who don't know what Whiteboy clothing is it is not a white-supremacy thing. It is a great clothing line that just says 'Have fun.'

Improvisation is about finding the best joke or the silliest way to get something across. Improvising conflict is always fun because you can just go for it.

At 13 you're not even thinking about that you know? I was just playing for fun and uploading videos on YouTube because I wanted to show my family.

And if I let myself down appear on stage when I'm not looking my best it's not fun for me. I just beat myself up about it.

Most of the time spent wrestling with technologies that don't quite work yet is just not worth it for end users however much fun it is for nerds.

Just skate for fun don't pick up a skateboard because you want to be a pro one day. Don't forget why you started skating in the first place.

With comedy I like to not rehearse and just have fun with it because I think being spontaneous is the best thing for a comedy in my opinion.

I have two beautiful children and my husband. The perfect day for me is just to be with them and have fun. We like simple things you know.

Don't worry that you can't seem to come up with sure billion dollar winners at first. Just do projects for yourself for fun. You'll get better and better.

It's easier to do an action scene than a love scene. I love fighting. When the camera's not rolling I'll usually punch some of the actors just for fun.

Right I breast feed baby camels in my backyard just for the freaking fun of it. Just tell me where you live Pinocchio and save the baloney for lunch.

Nothing really attracts me to the film industry to be perfectly honest. I look at acting as an art and that's all it is for me. It's just fun.

It [preparing for a role] is just like studying for a test and making the test easy; it makes it a lot of fun especially when people enjoy it.

It cannot be stressful. It just has to be fun. There are many many things to stress for in this life -- not getting ready for a red carpet.

I have some wigs at home just for fun. Throughout my years my hair has been treated in a not very nice way so I have to be careful.

Paul persuaded me to join the band. I would never have had the courage otherwise. It was fun at the beginning. We were playing just for fun with Paul's group.

A relationship is not just for fun it is also about trust and acknowledge that you can depend on your partner. Relationships based on passion and excitement do not last.

When I was a teenager me and a couple of my friends entered a couple of modeling competitions just for fun and one of those got me an agent in Sydney.

In my game there are a lot of nine-hour flights here there and everywhere for work so I prefer to take a shorter plane journey somewhere hot - just for fun.

I've put on makeup just for fun since I was a really little girl. Now I keep a look book for inspiration - with hair makeup beauty tips and products to try.

Just for fun I flew in huge banking arcs taking deep breaths enjoying the feel of my newly weightless hair. The stylist had called it "wind tossed." If only she knew.