Judging Others Quotes

If you spend too much time trying to find out what is good or bad about someone else you'll forget your own soul and end up exhausted and defeated by the energy you have wasted in judging others.

Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moment.

I can't judge my own stuff. That's for others. But those are the three things that I admire.

I don't judge others. I say if you feel good with what you're doing let your freak flag fly.

Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked.

To judge a man means nothing more than to ask: What content does he give to the form of humanity? What concept should we have of humanity if he were its only representative?

I'm a father of four so whenever I'm not working my kids have their different sports or plays or school performances so I don't do a whole lot of other stuff besides being a dad.