Journals Quotes

American Society for Psychical Research Journals were all around the house when I was a kid.

Very good records exist about the Trail of Tears. Journals and other records kept by Cherokees and non-Indians tell such things as which people were where on which day.

In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening only with his legs. RALPH WALDO EMERSON Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks Greek architecture is the perfect flowering of geometry.

We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file-sharing networks.

As useful as websites and journals are there's real value in books too.

I think talking about one's love life is always... It's a Pandora's box best kept in journals.

The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage published over centuries in books and journals is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations.

I wrote poetry journals and especially plays for the neighborhood kids to perform. I had an ordinary happy childhood. Nothing much was going on but I had fun.

I wrote some bad poetry that I published in North African journals but even as I withdrew into this reading I also led the life of a kind of young hooligan.

I can imagine in years to come that my papers and memorabilia my journals and letters will find themselves always in the company of people who care about many of the things I do.

I've never been one for keeping a journal so my songs were my journals. They allowed me to express my feelings and let people know what was going on with me. I knew that somebody would relate.

My grandfather was very into horse racing and I found some of his old journals and got into it from there. It has a lot of parallels to skiing. It's a fun lifestyle being around the racetrack.

dreams are our spiritual illustrated discovery journals.

People who keep journals have life twice

My best writing has always been in journals.

Many online journals get the most hits of the day during the lunch hour.

I love writing. I've always written journals. I loved writing the book on living alone.

Truehope EMPowerplus is the only natural therapy studied and published in 25 medical journals for bipolar disorder.

Even with the sacred printing press we got erotic novels 150 years before we got scientific journals.

Write: write letters. Keep journals. Besides your children there is no surer way of achieving immortality.

My vocabulary is adequate for writing notes and keeping journals but absolutely useless for an active moral life.

The physics of undergraduate text-books is 90% true; the contents of the primary research journals of physics is 90% false.

I keep all my poems in my journals and lock them away. They are the start of everything.

I have stacks and stacks of journals. I'll change the names if I ever decide to publish them.

I have no trouble publishing in Soviet astrophysical journals but my work is unacceptable to the American astrophysical journals.

Everyone's different. I mean some people write journals for their characters and stuff but that was never really my area.

Who or what inspires you?" "I must admit that I often read my own articles in scientific journals and inspire myself.

I've always studied business. Even when I was a ball player I'd read business journals and the business sections of newspapers.

I looked back at some high school journals and discovered that I definitely wanted to be a writer but not necessarily comedy.

As an advice columnist I spend a lot of time reading through psychology journals to ensure that I give the most up-to-date advice.

Just as the pioneer travelers of the Conestoga wagon days kept personal journals I as a pioneer space traveler would do the same.

A person employed in direct missionary work among the natives especially if his employ is somewhat itinerant can easily make long and interesting journals.

In those happy days when leisure was held to be no sin men and women wrote journals whose copiousness both delights and dismays us.

All the vested interests and people who profit by war will - with the journals they control - resolutely oppose any reduction of armaments.

One of the primary tenets of the course was that highly successful leaders kept journals morning and night in order to stay tightly focused on their goals.

I read a lot when I was in school in the United States and even though writing in English is very difficult for me I wrote in journals.

My journals were a clearing house - a garbage can. Once I was writing seriously I understood that this was the stuff that didn't belong in my work.

I found with my students they don't necessarily look at journals any more but they print right away from the internet what's relevant to what's he doing you see.

Most of the classical citations you shall hear or read in the current journals or speeches were not drawn from the originals but from previous quotations in English books...

I got a bit obsessed with the whole English language and was writing journals and poetry. I've always been intrigued about psychology and philosophy and how people's minds work.

My parents were in the book business my brothers still run the Dutton bookstores in Los Angeles and I've been interested in editing books and journals all of my life.

Could slavery suggest a more complete servility than some of these journals exhibit? Is there any dust which their conduct does not lick and make fouler still with its slime?

Adam Berenson knows how to compose organize an ensemble do musical research play solo and trio piano write for musical journals and enlist others to his cause. A very fine musician.

After I read all the medical journals and watched all the documentaries I still didn't understand the physical sensation of ticking and where it comes from and what it feels like

I'm always surprised reading my old journals. There's this idea that life is hard now but then I'll reach that moment where it'll change. But there's no summit. It's a constant climb.

I did keep detailed journals from about fifth grade on and every so often as I was growing up I would re-read them and reflect on the previous years of my life.

We often feel a twinge of guilt over our own fascination with presidential candidates' wives - as if we are secretly reading the 'Star' for our campaign information instead of the policy journals.

When my mother was sick I found myself needing to put down in my journals all sorts of things - to try to understand them and I think to try to remember them.

If there was no other motive in view [except] to have the privilege of reading over our journals and for our children to read it would pay for the time spent in writing it.

To me reading through old letters and journals is like treasure hunting. Somewhere in those faded handwritten lines there is a story that has been packed away in a dusty old box for years.

Universities think people come up with great ideas by closing the door. The academic tenure process where you have to publish to journals which are very narrow stands in the way of great research.

As an instructor at Alexandria University I did research that was published in international journals. Although I left to pursue a doctorate in the United States it was not for want of a good life.