Jimi Hendrix Quotes

Who I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.

I was listening to Jimi Hendrix; I just admire his artistry and creativity as an artist.

Secretly I wanted to look like Jimi Hendrix but I could never quite pull it off.

The road has taken a lot of the great ones: Hank Williams Buddy Holly Otis Redding Janis Jimi Hendrix Elvis.

I was very influenced by Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix both of whom I had the pleasure of playing with and becoming friends with.

I love rock and roll. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong decade because I love Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix and... those are my bands.

When I hear myself singing I hear Iggy Pop and Jimi Hendrix. There's a conversational thing going on. I suppose it depends on which The Pretenders song you're listening to.

Since I was seventeen I thought I might be a star. I'd think about all my heroes Charlie Parker Jimi Hendrix... I had a romantic feeling about how these people became famous.

Lauryn Hill P-Funk Marvin Gaye Public Enemy - I have a very diverse palate for music. I can go from Judy Garland to Jimi Hendrix to Stevie Wonder to Rachmaninoff. I just love great music.

When I came into Metallica I had to do justice to Cliff's work but I also had to put my own signature on it. No one could be Cliff Burton; Cliff Burton was the Jimi Hendrix of bass.

I also played with Jimi Hendrix. Jimi would come down and sit in with Retaliation and we would have a ball. He offered me the gig with him at 20 pounds a week which at that point was like 60 bucks.

Jimi Hendrix's music was escapism.

Jimi Hendrix isn't as good as me!

I would love to play Jimi Hendrix.

Jimi Hendrix was the most exciting guitarist I've ever heard.

Jimi Hendrix played loud and free Sergeant Pepper was real to me.

[My favourite song is] "All Along the Watchtower." The Jimi Hendrix cover.

If I could hang out with Jimi Hendrix it wouldn't be over dinner.

I just chased bands all over the country. The biggest one I saw was Jimi Hendrix.

Wong Kar-Wai is a really great inspiration. He's always referred to as the Jimi Hendrix of filmmaking.

I wanted to be the greatest woman guitarist alive. I had fantasies about being a female Jimi Hendrix.

I ended up spending some time with Jimi Hendrix and hanging out with him and that was beyond awesome.

Fame has killed more very talented guys than drugs. Jimi Hendrix didn't die of an overdose he died of fame.

I wanted to be Jimi Hendrix's drummer when I was in high school but I graduated in 1970 the year he died.

I feel close to people like Jimi Hendrix because I connect with his music. Not the man but what he did.

Jimi Hendrix could play better than our best guys and he did it while he was dancing while being completely outrageous.

I grew up listening to albums by Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix and they all worked on that multi-layered level.

Jimi Hendrix once said 'You will never hear surf music again.' Well tonight you will hear 'serf' music again -- S-E-R-F music.

Visiting my mind is like visiting the Hermes factory. Sh*t is real. You're not going to find a chink. It's 100 000 per cent Jimi Hendrix.

I started out playing guitar because Jimi Hendrix was my hero so my roots were really based on Jimi Hendrix and his style of playing.

QBert is pretty much the Jimi Hendrix of DJing. He is so far advanced. So far ahead of everybody else. He's like Yoda! Like the guru.

There is more value in placing a flower in a rifle barrel than making war. As Jimi Hendrix used to say musical notes have more importance than bullets.

I've been blessed. I grew up and played and worked and created with the Freddie Mercury the Jimi Hendrix the Keith Richards the John Paul Jones of my generation.

Richard Lloyd of Television is one of my favorite guitarists. His mentor was Jimi Hendrix when he was just 14. Jimi was always pounding everything he knew into that kid.

The best thing I ever heard was in the '60s. I heard Jimi Hendrix play 'I Can Hear The Grass Grow' after a rehearsal and it was brilliant.

I'm going to be a superstar musician kill myself and go out in a flame of glory. I want to be rich and famous and kill myself like Jimi Hendrix.

I was very friendly with Jimi Hendrix because my boyfriend at the time Tommy Weber was making a film about him so I would go to all of his shows.

I was very drawn to music of all types from Beethoven to Jimi Hendrix. There were musicians and composers who obviously were expressing a vision that was beyond the mundane.

I couldn't believe how good Jimi Hendrix was It was a really difficult thing for me to deal with but I just had to surrender and say 'This is fantastic.'

... you watch Jimi Hendrix literally reinvent the instrument. He was playing from somewhere else. He was really a kind of hybrid and I can't even begin to imagine where he came from

When I think of artists that I would have loved to work with it's Jimi Hendrix. And Steve McQueen. He's not a rock star but he's kind of a rock star to me.

Stop saying drug use makes people lazy. Jimi Hendrix did a lot of drugs even though he's been dead for forty years he's still making new records. Suck on that Partnership for a Drug-Free America!

I liked a lot of the things other people liked - Jimi Hendrix The Beatles Van Halen AC/DC - but if I compared it to my dad's music there just seemed to be elements missing.

I think the first person who kind of broke my mind was probably Jimi Hendrix. Listening to him opened my mind up to where you can take music and how far you can take rock n' roll.

I knew Jimi (Hendrix) and I think that the best thing you could say about Jimi was: there was a person who shouldn't use drugs.

There are famous examples of people who just had really strange ways - [Jimi] Hendrix being the biggest example of that. Or someone like Keith Richards he just has a really idiosyncratic style.