Humour Life Quotes

With humour there is life.

Whenever dark things happen in my life there is always some dark humour.

Seeing the funny side of life is useful and I've always had a sense of humour.

Humour is - how do I say this without sounding pompous - it's a huge part of my life.

My father had a good sense of humour about a lot of things including life which I think I inherited.

There's no life without humour. It can make the wonderful moments of life truly glorious and it can make tragic moments bearable.

I don't think comedy is necessarily an attack. It's finding humour in life. I don't think if you're making a joke about something you're automatically demeaning it.

Some designers retain a sense of humour about what they do but others are deathly serious and have no life outside of it; they're lying awake night after night constructing dresses in their heads.

Humour is...the all-consoling and...the all-excusing grace of life.

Cultivate your sense of humour. On life's journey from nappy rash to denture adhesive humour is a great pain reliever.

Life is really very fantastic and one has to have a peculiar sense of humour to see the fun of it. [Virtue]

What is really important to me is a sense of humour and a mischief about life. Life is just too boring otherwise.

The more ignoble I find life the more strongly I react by contradiction in humour and in an outburst of liberty and expansion.

Life is a huge farce and the advantage of possessing a sense of humour is that it enables one to defy fate with mocking laughter.

Once you have perceived that life is very cruel the only response is to live with as much humanity humour and freedom as you can.

I'm pretty irreverent. There is a lot of need to find humour in life. Although I'd never be as disrespectful to laugh at someone's expense.

The worst in life we are told is compatible with the best in art. So too the worst in life is compatible with the best in humour.