Hip Hop Artist Quotes

Today's Baudelaires are hip-hop artists.

I love hip-hop and you can't tell me I'm not a hip-hop artist.

A lot of the hip hop artists don't write music. They write words.

I am a hip-hop artist as you probably know. My hip-hop name is Big Smalls.

There's not a hip-hop artist that didn't snatch of piece of Bob Marley. It's totally impossible.

That's one of my struggles as a hip-hop artist. If I feel like doing a super conscious song where I don't even rap.

A lot of hip-hop artists wear fur and they think it's a status symbol. That doesn't register for me; I just see dead animals.

I see myself as a hip-hop artist but I never wanted to make music for a specifically white audience. Thats not what I grew up around.

I grew up listening to Tupac Biggie and other hip hop artists in the 90s. To this day their music is still some of my favorite.

There are situations where I'm uncomfortable saying "I'm a hip-hop artist." In some circles the response is like "Oh OK so... you have whores and your ties are shiny?

I get freedom out of hip-hop. I get to be a true artist without any shackles or harnesses.

I think hip-hop has more to do with rock and roll. Kanye West is in many ways a rock artist.

Hip-hop is a competition culture. It's based around "My DJ is better than you. My graffiti artist is better than you.

My graffiti really comes more from a May '68 sort of Situationist vibe than the hip-hop world. I think a real graffiti artist would find me a poser.

It's such a phenomenon for a hip-hop artist to fully embrace his Christian roots and his faith. And that becomes something that people almost need you to justify.

The competitive nature of hip-hop culture has always had battling involved with it. So you battle with the other artist but not necessarily in business and everywhere else.

A lot of artists have a lot of different ventures I think it's typical for a hip hop artist at this point to have a bunch of different ventures.

It's not for me to determine what a country artist has in common with a hip-hop artist. You go for those with long-lasting careers. And that's what I've had as my target all my life.

As a hip-hop artist who likes fashion who can't help but notice people like Kanye West Tiger Big Sean and definitely T.I.P. These guys really understand how to be progressive and fashion forward.