Healthy Children Quotes

Play is basic to all normal and healthy children. It provides pleasure and learning and a minimum of risks and penalties for mistakes.

If we could have but one generation of properly born trained educated and healthy children a thousand other problems of government would vanish.

Too much of anything is a mistake as the man said when his wife presented him with four new healthy children in one day. We should practice moderation in all matters.

The Law is supposed to keep us safe and strong and able to birth healthy children yet the Law wants us to tear each other apart to find a leader. The Law's a bunch of hypocrisy.

The common people pray for rain healthy children and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones so long as they are left in peace.

I understand how every healthy child every new road puts a country on a better path but instability and war will arise from time to time and I'm not an expert on how you get out of those things.

Encouraging children to live healthy lifestyles is something I take very seriously.

Children need nature for the healthy development of their senses and therefore for learning and creativity.

Children of polygamists besides being equally as bright and brighter intellectually are much more healthy and strong.

If our children are healthy they'll develop into their full potential and become wonderful tax-paying citizens sometime

Children with healthy mothers are much more likely to survive childhood attend school and live healthy productive lives.

For the obvious reasons furthering my children's education and keeping my family healthy and thriving is my highest mission.

No more children should be born when the parents though healthy themselves find that their children are physically or mentally defective.

The greatest gift you and your partner can give your children is the example of an intimate healthy and loving relationship.

I'm healthy I have beautiful children and a beautiful life. I don't want to go toward negative stuff because I'm scared.

Children with obesity and diabetes live harder poorer lives they often don't finish school and earn much less than their healthy counterparts.

I was born in the Midwest where 'salad' was cherry Jell-O with bananas in it. Now children are more aware of healthy foods.

Like every mother my wish - every birthday - is for my children to stay healthy (and) for my family to remain healthy.

I don't know why anyone would want to ask an actor for dating advice. We are not the poster children for healthy relationships.

I want to get old gracefully. I want to have good posture I want to be healthy and be an example to my children.

I think it's ill-advised to attribute pathologies to healthy people. It doesn't help normal healthy thriving children to be viewed as pitiable and fragile.

We have a moral responsibility to protect the earth and ensure that our children and grandchildren have a healthy and sustainable environment in which to live.

Real Texans believe in looking out for each other. We believe in honoring our mothers and fathers and keeping our smallest residents - our children - healthy.

Progress among the youngest children is especially important because we know that preventing obesity at an early age helps young people maintain a healthy weight into adulthood.

In elementary school we should teach nonviolent conflict resolution and healthy communication skills which will help children cope with issues like rejection and sexuality later in life.

Being an Olympic runner and now a mommy it is so important to me to help my children learn early on how to be active and stay healthy.

When it happened to us and it was all gone overnight we said 'We are in this together we are healthy our children are healthy and we can work'.