Handing Over People Quotes

The actor is in the hands of a lot of other people over which he has no control.

I'm a pretty hands-off director. I let people try things and if it gets over-jokey then I'll try and rein it in a little bit.

I don't really have control over my direct impression on people anymore. I used to be the person putting my CD in people's hands. But I'm kind of a mainstream artist now. Not by choice.

I'm going to have to be impressed and feel confident in the people I'm handing a book to - or I'm not going to do it. Once you hand it to them you're out. You have no control over it.

Believe me when people say 'We want to pay you X-million to do this movie ' I won't be the girl who hangs back saying 'Oh I really don't deserve it ' I'll be 'Un-hunh hand it right over.'

I'm just one of those people that if I sit down to watch a horror film I put my hands over my face and I cry a lot and I don't see half of the film because I'm too upset