Group Pressure Quotes

A real friend is someone who does n0t give you expectation about delivering on some kind of peer group pressure.

As leaders we need to rise above petty politics and lead rather than follow the various interests and pressure groups in our respective countries.

In addition as citizens we must fight in their incipient stages all movements by government or party or pressure groups that seek to limit the legitimate liberties of any of our fellow citizens.

We will never sell or have an IPO. What that does is suddenly flushes you with cash. It makes you now work for a group of stockholders who again put pressure and temptations on your true-blueness.

Statism which forces all of us within its orbit is nothing but a political system of organized plunder managed by every conceivable type of pressure group.

First-world science is one science among many; by claiming to be more it ceases to be an instrument of research and turns into a (political) pressure group.