Giving Life Meaning Quotes

Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.

Most people are looking for something to give their life meaning.

Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.

Our obligation is to give meaning to life and in doing so to overcome the passive indifferent life.

There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives his life by the unfolding of his powers.

Some instinct - and I think it was a correct one - led me to do something difficult enough to give my life meaning.

I am waiting for a sign that will indicate to me what meaning I must give to my life but right now my existence is satisfactory.

Life ceases to be so oppressive: we are free to give our own lives meaning and purpose free to redeem our suffering by making something of it.

One of the reasons people like romances is that they're artificially shaped to give a pattern and meaning. It's not as messy as everyday life or as difficult or thorny.

Sex is. There is nothing more to be done about it. Sex builds no roads writes no novels and sex certainly gives no meaning to anything in life but itself.

Woe to the makers of literal translations who by rendering every word weaken the meaning! It is indeed by so doing that we can say the letter kills and the spirit gives life.

Morality is not just any old topic in psychology but close to our conception of the meaning of life. Moral goodness is what gives each of us the sense that we are worthy human beings.

There is not one big cosmic meaning for all there is only the meaning we each give to our life an individual meaning an individual plot like an individual novel a book for each person.

Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith.

Exercising adaptive leadership is about giving meaning to your life beyond your own ambition.

In giving of yourself you will discover a whole new life full of meaning and love.