George Lucas Quotes

George Lucas doesn't have the most physical stamina. He was so unhappy making Star Wars that he just vowed he'd never do it again.

You're in a profession in which absolutely everybody is telling you their opinion which is different. That's one of the reasons George Lucas never directed again.

George Lucas wanted this moving camera for all of the photography in Star Wars. He was willing to take a risk with the concepts that I advanced with regard to ways for doing that.

If you got the DVD you can see that George Lucas has taken that person out as well as the voice and we shot this scene when we arrived in Australia during the actual filming of Episode 3.

George Lucas was casting about and had heard favourable things about my work in Clockwork Orange and asked me to come in which of course I did even though no one knew what the film was about!

The 3-D effects in "Star Wars" are so realistic you can actually see George Lucas reaching from the screen and taking the money from your wallet.

Star Wars is not entertainment. Star Wars is George Lucas masturbating to a picture of Joseph Campbell and conning billions of people into watching the money shot.

The person I enjoy working for more than anyone else is George Lucas. He's the best boss I ever had because he's the most talented boss I ever had.

George Lucas should have distributed the 'source code' to Star Wars. Millions of fans would create their own movies and stories. Most of them would be terrible but a few would be genius.

Every time I sit down with him I know why he is who he is and that's really cool. It's a great feeling. It sucks because I'm so not an ass-kisser but he's George Lucas.

Do or do not. There is no try " says Yoda the bewitching philosopher warrior created by George Lucas in Star Wars. Yoda is quoted at least as often as the founding fathers on this topic.

Well I know that George Lucas doesn't like it at all. When I was working on The Illustrated Star Wars Universe he told me that he would be happy if every copy could be tracked down and smashed...

I can't remember ever feeling so glad that a movie was finally over. [Director George] Lucas may have held my imagination hostage for two hours but reclaiming it afterward wasn't hard at all.

George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we'd be interested. He did say that if we didn't want to do it they wouldn't cast another actor in our parts - they would write us out