Garry Quotes

Garry Marshall is a joy. I feel so utterly safe in his hands.

I work with Garry no matter what. What I wanted to keep going was the streak.

Books fall from Garry Wills like leaves from a maple tree in a sort of permanent October.

Garry Trudeau put me in the Doonesbury strip many years ago. So I've been a cartoon once.

Ed Sullivan brought me to TV first in 1952 then Garry Moore's program gave me a lot of confidence and freedom.

In essence I owe my career to Garry Marshall. There was no known reason for him to hire me for 'Pretty Woman.'

In this respect I suppose I'm the total opposite of Garry. With his very emotive body language at the board he shows and displays all his emotions. I don't.

At one level an award is an endorsement a confirmation but I always find myself looking askance at awards and good reviews as though another Garry Disher had earned them.

[Garry Winogrand] was a bull of a man and the world his china shop.

Two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water. The other third is covered by Garry Maddox.

The Nanjing games are homework by Garry Kasparov and me [...] Today's game was provided by Garry.

Garry Hill is a pleasure to be around and his work is a rewarding reflection of my career.

[Garry] Kasparov and [Anatoly] Karpov have something in common. They both want to become deputies of the Russian State Duma.

Garry Trudeau is the only cartoonist with the clout to get his strip published large enough to accomodate extended dialogue. It's ashame.

I just think we should look at this as a chess match " he said "between the world's greatest chess player and Garry Kasparov.

I remember Tucker Toomey was named so because "T's are funny!" And if Garry Marshall says it's funny by god it must be so.

Unlike my esteemed colleague Garry Kasparov I don't restrict the strength of opposition to Elo <2000 as fly-swatting makes poor spectator sport. (on simultaneous exhibitions)

Garry Shandling has always been a pioneer ofâ?¦ meta entertainment. He's always been a defender of the creative right to use the frame as part of the painting.

Look at Garry Kasparov. After he loses invariably he wins the next game. He just kills the next guy. That's something that we have to learn to be able to do

In this respect I suppose I'm the total opposite of Garry [Kasparov]. With his very emotive body language at the [chess]board he shows and displays all his emotions. I don't.

I definitely learned to embrace the quiet moments onstage from Garry Shandling - relaxing and not fighting with the crowd not raising your voice not ever trying to win them over.