Fragmentation Quotes

Fragmentation occurs when a civilization is in decline.

Fragmentation is like classful addressing -- an interesting early architectural error that shows how much experimentation was going on while IP was being designed.

Give me one other part of history where everybody shows up to the same social space. Fragmentation is a more natural state of being.

When objects shattered into fragments appeared in my painting about 1909 this for me was a way of getting closest to the object... Fragmentation helped me to establish space and movement in space.

Our universities advocate fragmentation in their course systems.

You see another reason for nationalization was that private ownership meant fragmentation.

I believe that Canadians have the common sense to see that a better future cannot be built on fragmentation.

Suburban sprawl leads to social atomisation and fragmentation and is environmentally disastrous as carbon-intensive car journeys displace local shops and replace public transport.

Listening moves us closer it helps us become more whole more healthy more holy. Not listening creates fragmentation and fragmentation is the root of all suffering.

With the fragmentation of television audiences and the advent of cable and on-demand services the prestige of being an anchor is not what it was in the days of Walter Cronkite.

Teenagers have a natural curiosity and are keen to clock up experiences. What they need to be wary of is that some experiences may erode their sense of self and lead to a fragmentation of morals.

If the security forces continue to be dominated as they are now by political groups or sects then the people won't trust in them - and the result will be civil war or fragmentation of the country.

The opposite of simplicity is not complexity but fragmentation and alienation.

Running removes us briefly from the fragmentation and depersonalization of the digital world

When our focus is toward a principle of relatedness and oneness and away from fragmentation and isolation health ensues

Literacy the visual technology dissolved the tribal magic by means of its stress on fragmentation and specialization and created the individual.

Pornography and by specialism and fragmentation. They deal with a figure without a ground -- situations in which the human factor is suppressed in favor of sensations and kicks.

In a time of social fragmentation vulgarity becomes a way of life. To be shocking becomes more important - and often more profitable - than to be civil or creative or truly original.

We all share the wound of fragmentation. And we can all share in the cure of unification. Healing is the unification of all our forces -- the powers of being feeling knowing and seeing.

Pope John Paul II once said as well Lebanon is a message more than it is a country.Now this diversity has turned into fragmentation and the richness into poverty awaiting a miraculous remedy.

A lot of my work is about is about events but I also think a lot of my work is about fragmentation.... You have to break something down in order to have the parts synthesize.