Faltering Quotes

A bold vigorous assault has won many a faltering cause.

coming to the end of spring / my grandmother kicks off her shoes / steps out of her faltering body.

At best most college presidents are running something that is somewhere between a faltering corporation and a hotel.

Complete your task. Seek no reward. Make no claims. Without faltering fully choose to do what you must do.

One naked star has waded through The purple shallows of the night And faltering as falls the dew It drips its misty light.

The human heart is so delicate and sensitive that it always needs some tangible encouragement to prevent it from faltering in its labour.

She blushed and so did he. She greeted him in a faltering voice and he spoke to her without knowing what he was saying.

I was probably finding my feet more than anybody. I really have to say I was more obsessed with myself faltering than anybody else.

The safety of the country is at stake. . . . We must let ourselves be killed on the spot rather than retreat. . . . No faltering can be tolerated today.

For pale and trembling anger rushes in With faltering speech and eyes that wildly stare Fierce as the tiger madder than the seas Desperate and armed with more than human strength.

As long as we're together that's how we'll be. No trembling. No faltering. We're unstoppable.

To be sure the United States has profound problems not least our faltering educational and physical infrastructure.

In my view only those who have had the courage to work through Lacan's anti-philosophy without faltering deserve to be called 'contemporary philosophers'.

What will I do when you're gone?" said Alasdair with a faltering voice.Bryeison placed a hand on his shoulder and said with raging tranquility "Do what is good and what is right.