Faith In The Universe Quotes

Have faith in the universe and its capability to lead you to the path of abundance.

The realm of immediate or personal knowledge is a narrow circle in which these bodies move; the realm of knowledge derived through faith is as wide as the universe and old as eternity.

The ultimate wisdom which deals with beginnings remains locked in a seed. There it lies the simplest fact of the universe and at the same time the one which calls faith rather than reason.

I had to learn my faith and look after my family and I had to make priorities. But now I've done it all and there's a little space for me to fill in the universe of music again.

Faith puts the power of the universe at your disposal.

Never lose faith in yourself; you can do anything in the universe.

Nothing we learn about the universe threatens our faith. It only enriches it.

I have deep faith that the principle of the universe will be beautiful and simple

Faith is the amplifier that will allow the universe to hear and resonate with your music.

Have Faith! Have faith in the Eternal Goodness. Believe that the core of the Universe is sound and sweet.

The more I learn about the human body our environment and the universe the more it increases my faith.

I find the universe so staggering that I just don't have any faith in my ability to grasp it.

Scientists were rated as great heretics by the church but they were truly religious men because of their faith in the orderliness of the universe.

I've never understood how God could expect His creatures to pick the one true religion by faith-it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe.

For me faith means that what is right will win out one day. It means that the universe is not aimless but moves by some positive design.

Faith is not knowledge of what the mystery of the universe is but the conviction that there is a mystery and that it is greater than us.

Risk is the universe's way of pushing us to become more than what we are. Risk is faith at the edge. Risk is the pulsating nature of life.

Faith is not a rational thing and yet to understand the universe rationality alone will not give it to us. Our understanding of the universe must transcend the rational.