Drums Quotes

Drums usually seem to tune themselves.

Drums bass guitar keys I play a little of each of those.

Drums were my first instrument my first love. I need rhythm something that moves.

Drums just always sounded like the most fun part of that good music for me.

I donâ??t think the drums are a solo instrument. Drums are there to set the beat for the music.

The hardest instruments for women to play are bass and drums. Drums because of the physicality needed and bass just because its heavy and it's not an easy instrument to play.

I don't regard myself as a great classical or jazz pianist. I like country music but I'm not a great player. I just like music. Drums 'n' bass is pretty exciting and I'd love to explore it.

Playing my drums is therapy.

I think I love it more as I get older because I keep getting better on drums vibes and piano.

My way of relaxing was always doing the opposite and playing the drums but I need to be able to actually chill.

I just love crafting and shaping sounds. Actually many of the sounds that I work with start off as organic instruments - guitar piano clarinet etc. But I do love the rigidity of electronic drums.

Dude I love playing drums and I love being on stage and I love recording. It's my life... it's been my life all my life and I don't think it could ever become boring for me.

I was a kid and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to play the drums you know? All I wanted to do was skateboard but I was still learning and taking it in so it was good.

Playing the drums hurts my back.

I love drums and still play frequently.

I like drums really if they're under control.

I played drums on Keith Carradine's first record.

My son Wolfgang plays drums guitars and bass.

Most great records really start with the drums.

I do play drums when I'm on tour.

I've played drums in bands since I was 16.

I've been playing the drums since age nine.

I am just a guy who plays drums.

I just want to make music on the drums.

It's fun hitting on the drums and singing songs.

Krupa's drums went through us like a triple bourbon.

I play drums clarinet saxophone trumpet french horn piano.

The most memorable moment was playing drums with Bob Dylan.

Speaking in a common tongue speaking through guitars and drums.

I bathe in basslines rinse in riffs dry in drums

To get your playing more forceful hit the drums harder.

I play guitar piano and I'm learning to play the drums.

My talent for playing the drums was a gift from God.

It's really important for the bass and the drums to somehow blend.

Like a ghostly roll of drums remorselessly beat the measure of life.

My brother is an excellent songwriter and I play guitar and drums.

My first album is like a terrible John Hammond album with drums.

Monk encouraged me to emancipate the drums from their subservient role as timekeepers.

A CD of great music and drums that punch with power and energy.

I used to play drums when I was a kid play the trombone.

Everywhere you look on the planet people are using drums to alter consciousness.

The president's rattling the saber and beating the drums may have an effect.

I'll play drums a lot at home and it will help my wrist action.

She [Beyonce] is just an energetic performer and she loves drums. She loves edge.

I play like 12 instruments. Guitar piano harmonica African drums... I'm working on mastering the accordion.

The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.

Sound drums and trumpets! Farewell sour annoy! For here I hope begins our lasting joy.

Some days I pray to the God of sex and drums and rock and roll.

Still for fun I play the drums but I don't do much recording with them.

I play the drums and I'm trying to teach myself how to play the piano.

Beating drums while doing a kindness to someone is a very ugly show of ego!

Beating drums while doing a kindness to somone is a very ugly show of ego!

I play Orange County drums. I love those guys. I've got a four piece kit.

no war really comes unexpectedly. The drums are beating long before a single shot is fired.

I've played in pipe bands in Scotland and I've always played guitars and drums and stuff.

Anytime you strike the drums you have to be aware that you're creating a musical event.

I started out when I was about 12 playing drums. I started singing when I was about 15.

I play piano and drums very poorly and French horn and tuba all equally as bad.

Beating the drums for Hawaii is not hard to do... the place just grows on you.

I don't consciously beat the drums for any cause not even the negro in the United States.

I play mostly guitar and I played drums in my brother's band for a while growing up.

I definitely see the voice as an instrument: It makes great drums great synth pads great everything.

Music plays a very important role in my life. I'm a frustrated musician. I play the drums.

If I could play drums like Patrick Carney or Taylor Hawkins I'd be a really happy person.

Guitar is for the head drums are for the chest but bass gets you in the groin

Cello is my first instrument then piano drums bass violin recorder saxophone but I'd never play them live!

So now I don't have time to practice drums. It's been five years since I've touched the drums.

Well I had a musical background but I still didn't know a lot about drums at the time.

With horns and a full rhythm section the drums always looked like the best seat in the house.

How can you not love a man banging on the drums? He knows how to keep a rhythm.

It was never my first choice to be a singer/guitar player. I really wanted to play drums.

I didn't feel the kind of joy every day playing drums that I thought you were supposed to feel.

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor.

I never studied anything really. I didn't study the drums. I joined bands and made all the mistakes onstage.

Touch not the flute when drums are sounding around; when fools have the word the wise will be silent.

I expect if you're a professional public speaker you probably wouldn't want to go onstage and sing and play drums.

I play drums and guitar I snowboard I do martial arts and acrobatics. I go to the movies every Friday.

I prefer recording drums in the analog format but that does not mean I would only do it that way.

I listen to Bill Stewart play the drums and when I have finished doing that I listen to Bill Stewart.

You know my sister sings my brother plays drums in my band. My whole family is a bunch of musicians.

I have all the rhythm in my left hand and I use the rhythms that Gene Krupa did on his drums.

I don't just strictly sample. I build. I'm a musician: I play piano and drums I read notes I write music.

I've just been recording mostly acoustic stuff drums and sax and electric guitar. I'm just still writing songs and what not.

Music is a way of life it's everything. I play drums and that's what I believe I was born to do.

I like actual songs and bands but it's usually parts like the production the bassline the drums that I'm really attracted to.

Rock saved me. You can break drums and scream out loud - if you do that in the street you get arrested.

Simon: Anyone ever tell you your sense of timing really sucks? Derek: That's why I don't play the drums. Now what's up?

How can I wear the harness of toilAnd sweat at the daily round While in my soul foreverThe drums of Pictdom sound?

All I really had was a suitcase and my drums. So I took them up to Seattle and hoped it would work.

I'm definitely a guitar player but it's the last thing I listen to in a song after the singer and the drums.

...and for the last three minutes on the wind of a windless day I have heard the sound of drums and flute...

Three times during the show the drums are lifted over the audience - I go up and out right left and back.

Yes I love to play drums and bass and guitar and piano. Those are the main instruments I play. That is it.

When you've got insane drums and a lot of guitar it's really hard to mix the vocals to mix it all well.

I have often wondered why the sounds of the beating drums do not make the marching soldiers shoot their officers and go home.

If I don't channel pain into a song I play my guitar or play the piano or play my drums or go swimming.

Queen and Bon Jovi Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses - I had a huge rock-band mania. I play a little bit of drums.

I played trumpet in middle school and then I had to get braces so I had to stop playing trumpet and start playing drums.

I enjoy all kinds of music. But it is kind of strange when I do parodies instead of setting up drums and guitar amps.

I hate living in a really small apartment living in a shoebox not being able to play the drums not having space. It sucks.

My mom had to beg the guys to let me play. I couldn't even play the drums right - Brian had to show me.

To play the drums you have to spread your legs and use your arms. It's a very physical instrument to play. It's not feminine.

All I set out to do was to earn a living playing drums you know? And as luck would have it I've surpassed that.

I spent a lot of time lifting my drums into a van playing to ten people night after night. I can't complain about anything now.

Art is long and time is fleeting And our hearts though stout and brave Still like muffled drums are beating Funeral marches to the grave.

O it's Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy 'ow's your soul/But it's thin red line of heroes when the drums begin to roll.

Louis Armstrong changed all the brass players around but after Bird all of the instruments had to change - drums piano bass trombones trumpets saxophones everything.

I love being in a band. I love playing with other human beings. I've never practiced drums unless there was another human being in the room.

Producers like to record all the drums first then they do the bass then all the guitars so you're constantly moving from one song to another.

What I don't want to do is to go and buy a bunch of exotic-looking drums and set up an Afrikanische Musik in New York City.

I'm not an upfront person. Being upfront is not my forte. I'm quite happy to stay in the back there with the drums where I belong.

If I were to call it black music that would be untrue. I don't know what that is unless it would be some African drums or something.

I've been into music for a long time. I started playing drums when I was 8 and piano when I was 10 then bass and guitar when I was 18.

I played the drums and I was in a band called Funkasaurus Rex in Toronto. When I left for school it became hard to play as frequently.

The moon gives you light and the bugles and the drums give you music and my heart O my soldiers my veterans my heart gives you love.

I wanted to play drums because I fell in love with the glitter and the lights but it wasn't about adulation. It was being up there playing.

It's harder to play drums than guitar physically. I'm always kind of on the edge. I guess that's how I play everything: on the edge of my ability.

It's uncomfortable definitely but it's also really really great to talk drums with kids and hear them get excited about music and talk about listening to the drums.

From the time I started playing solo drums doing clinics and stuff you know I think one of the largest selling clinics I ever did was in Chicago.

I can play the guitar the dulcimer the piano and the drums. However I am not a "performance quality" musician. Rather I am a composer and a producer.

I try not to think about the drums themselves. If I do I'll end up hitting myself in the head with a drumstick or sustaining some weird injury.

If you listen to a lot of old funk records the drums are really small. But you don't perceive it like that because the groove is so heavy.

I play guitar a bit. I'm trying to learn drums - I feel like I can play violin. I've never tried but I just feel like I can.

Put me up in front of a million people and ask me to speak. I'll flop. But put me behind my drums and I'll always go with it.

I played some Yamaha drums that I like a lot. And I like the Yamaha people a lot too. They've been really nice to me and The Band.

I got my first set of drums when I was around 3. I went from band to marching band to Latin jazz band - it's like riding a bike.

When I listen to the radio I just hear so much music that doesn't even sound like people. The vocals are all tuned and the drums are all fake.

I've played every instrument you could possibly think of for 10 minutes. So I'm mediocre at everything. I can play drums guitar piano violin saxophone clarinet flute... Just not well.

Nothing could be smarter more splendid more brilliant better drawn up than two armies. Trumpets fifes hautboys drums cannons formed a harmony such as never been heard in hell.

We decided to do some of Merle's things with modern instrumentation. We used a flute a bass clarinet a trumpet a clarinet drums a guitar vibes and a piano.

The women went berserk to the accompaniment of 'When a Man Loves a Woman.' It was all bass and drums; the musical equivalent Anna decided of cheap aftershave.

I have always been drawn to percussion and drums to bass and piano in music much more then I am drawn to the guitar and the other lead instruments.

I'm a huge Bob Marley fan; I remember going to Jamaica for the first time when I was a kid and I got so obsessed with the steel drums.

Suffice to say that the TG2 Germ pre and EQ and TG1 are there anytime I track drums TG2 for guitars and the LTD-1 is there whenever I do vocals!

I'm really into the idea of playing sit-down drums again. I don't know if it'll end up that way but as of right now that's what I'm interested in doing.

My soul is a hidden orchestra; I know not what instruments what fiddlestrings and harps drums and tamboura I sound and clash inside myself. All I hear is the symphony.

I play the ukulele. I have a great group of friends and we do things like have battles of the bands - me sometimes on ukulele but mostly on drums.

When you grow up you're told that rock 'n' roll is the only authentic way to express yourself. Live instrumentation singer live drums. You're told that's the best medium to communicate.

My first instrument was the drums. Not quite sure why I quit and changed to guitar but I'm sure my parents might have convinced me that the guitar was way better.

I was into hip-hop when I was a teenager. Then I started to look for samples and I started a long Hendrix period - I liked the drums and the beats.

I have great samples of my drums and I try to program them pretty much how I want to play them try and make it feel natural even though it's programmed.

No one really listens to the drums I don't think. They're there but it's not a conscious thing to listen to. Everyone listens to the vocals of course and the words.

Once the song is done and recorded I like to go back and then cut the drums because then I know exactly what the song needs and what it doesn't need.

I have a bad back partially from playing the drums and singing. I used to have to hold my body in such a position that my spine got out of alignment.

Every day I lugged my backpack through the halls waiting for the final bell. Then I'd race home and hole up in my room playing the drums and the piano composing music.

Playing drums or music being a musician is inside of you. So you would always see me tapping on something playing on tables... I never felt the need to pull out drums.

Talking about music and talking about drums brings me back to my beginning and the simplicity and the excitement about trying to play something and see if it works for your band.

What a young musician's dream to say "Look at those chrome drums. Look at that 22-inch ride cymbal. I'll have those." It was one of those unparalleled exciting days of your life.

A friend of mine took me to Memphis advised me that I should get in the musicians' union. He gave me a set of drums and said Stay on the job son.

I started playing piano; I picked up a ukulele and I loved it and kept playing that. I play a bit of guitar and some African drums from back in the day.

All I ever wanted to do was play the drums; I felt good about myself when I played the drums. So I worked anywhere and everywhere I could lug my drums in.

Gentle souls! You play your love on the violin. The crude ones play it on the drums violently. But can you turn yourselves inside out like me And become just two lips entirely?

Our resistance to this war should be our resistance to profit at the cost of human life. Because that is what these drums beating over Iraq are really about. This is about business.

My first gig was in Philadelphia and I played the drums for my older brothers. That same night I also played drums for Martha and the Vandellas. Ah the fond memories of being 14.

I wanted to hear the songs in the way that I had written them which was very basic. All I wanted was drums and another guitar and I was just going to sing

On the McLaughlin Report August 26 1990: 'There are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the middle East the Israeli Defense Ministry and its amen corner in the United States.

I was brought up west southwest coast of Scotland and my mother and father had a music shop and so I was surrounded by pianos and drums and guitars and music of course.

I wrote a song with Kara DioGuardi called 'What If ' and it's a really beautiful song. It's kind of like a rock ballad. There's a lot of guitars and drums in it.

I love the sound of '70s glam records. I love that snare sound. The recordings I like it's all based on if the snare sounds good. The drums have to sound great.

As I said when we needed to move over to rock'n'roll Sam and Vernon couldn't quite make the shift. So that's when Larry took over on drums and we needed a bass player.

What sounds good on the radio is really loud kick drums and loud snare drums when everything's bombastic and in your face. It's the equivalent of a houseguest who screams all the time.

I don't let the children watch TV on weeknights. They practice playing musical instruments instead. Both my sons play piano drums and guitar so my husband and I listen to them in the evening.

I started on drums when I was 13 and played them for two years. Then I went to guitar for a year played keyboards for a year and a half and went back to guitar.

I grew up in church. That's how most young African American musicians learn how to perform. You could be six years old and playing organ or drums in front of thousands or hundreds of people.

Can we ring the bells backward? Can we unlearn the arts that pretend to civilize and then burn the world? There is a march of science; but who shall beat the drums for its retreat?

I just don't see myself as retiring. As long as I'm healthy and can play the drums that's what I'm going to do because that's the most fun thing that I know how to do.

It works for me the way I play drums and the things I do but I also would like to know proper technique. Mainly for health - to last longer be able to play longer.