Don Juan Quotes

Don Juan tries not to see the skeptical winks that greet his boasting.

A critic is a virgin who would teach Don Juan how to make love.

Nobody knows who I am or what I do. Not even I. Don Juan Matus

Don Juan speaks of the island of the tonal as something that's in the middle of the ocean ... the nagual.

But I had not quite fixed whether to make him [Don Juan] end in Hell-or in an unhappy marriage -not knowing which would be the severest.

All human history attests That happiness for man - the hungry sinner! - Since Eve ate apples much depends on dinner. ~Lord Byron Don Juan Canto XIII stanza 99

Don Juan in the teacings of Carlos Castaneda makes the same point. You have to fool people into seeking knowlege. People will not do it of their own volition.

Milla Jovovich introduced me to [anthropologist and author of the Don Juan series of books involving shamanic peyote rituals] Carlos Castaneda because I was all into the hallucinogens for a minute.

There are some great stories in The Second Ring of Power about how Don Juan and Don Genaro found their apprentices and what they went through to fool their students into seeking light.

In terms of partying and reckless abandon I'm Don Juan. But in terms of my heart I'm the most loyal man you'll ever meet.

We are all incarnate Buddhas. We just have not realized it deeply. We have not moved the mind - what our friend Don Juan calls the assemblage point.

All who joy would win must share it. Happiness was born a Twin.

The deeper side of the study occurs on levels of attention your mind is not aware of but that your superconscious mind is - what don Juan calls the nagual.