Doing Something You Enjoy Quotes

If you can find a way to make a living doing something you enjoy or a range of things that you enjoy then it can scarcely be called work.

If you've got a partner that's supportive and you're doing something you enjoy it doesn't ever become a job or a burden. Its about community new friendships support mechanism.

I'm 47 You learn life is short and it's not worth doing something if you don't enjoy it.

But if you don't enjoy doing something you'll be miserable no matter how much money you make.

Any job is a job. If you have to be doing something then you're probably not enjoying it.

I enjoy shooting. Around where I live it's something you do for entertainment once in a while you go out and shoot targets.

I've worked in television long enough to know that when you stop enjoying that type of thing you go home and do something else.

I'd somehow always thought of the classics of literature as something apart from me something to do with academic life and not something you enjoyed.

You can't do a machine without knowing something about how it's going to work. As for the romantics the costumes bored me and I don't enjoy doing period clothes.

I've been doing this long enough that you can tell when people have seen you in something they didn't enjoy and when they have seen you in something they actually enjoyed.

What is it to enjoy life? Sit at the beach? No. What it is is that you have to do something you have be productive make a contribution to the society to the family to yourself.

To learn to do backflips and front flips you had to fall and bump your head a couple times. I've been doing them since I was a little one though. Just something I've enjoyed doing just flip.

Marketing is what gets you noticed and that side of it something - this side of it if you like doing interviews - is the side of it that I least enjoy and yet is 50% of the project.

It's very important to me to love what I do. It was important to me to find a career that I truly enjoy. You can find something that sort of excites you that's half the battle of life.

What I love about the TED is that it's not 'Hey take this check and enjoy.' It's 'Do something with this and we'll help you.' I think that's the most beautiful prize I've ever heard of.

To be successful you have to enjoy doing your best while at the same time contributing to something beyond yourself.

Follow your enthusiasm. It's something I've always believed in. Find those parts of your life you enjoy the most. Do what you enjoy doing.