Displaying Quotes

Earth to Democrats: Displaying contempt for the American people when you are being paid by those people to serve their interests is generally not a good political move.

Displaying riches and titles with pride brings about one's downfall.

Displaying yourself as sexy doesn't do anything to increase sexual self-knowledge or pleasure.

Displaying a bland even an eerie disregard for what appeared to be the facts of the situation he fell back on an old habit of looking ahead to the next defeat.

Living en famille provides the strongest motives for rudeness combined with the maximum opportunity for displaying it.

Mostly I use the O2 as an X terminal however running my apps on Linux and displaying remotely.

Heaven wheels above you displaying to you her eternal glories and still your eyes are on the ground.

Zealous men are ever displaying to you the strength of their belief while judicious men are showing you the grounds of it.

The struggle to get weapons is continuous but the United States will aid us if it finds Israel displaying a willingness for peace.

Knowledge is not a passion from without the mind but an active exertion of the inward strength vigor and power of the mind displaying itself from within.

Part of ego is displaying the ego. I've got ego and I think I'm really good. But maybe I fall down in trying to sell it to people.

The most awful museums are in China. They have magnificent stuff on display and just the worst way of displaying it. They just don't spend money on lighting and installation.

Candidates should be extremely cautious in displaying a sense of humor. If he or she tells a joke with a point there is almost certain to be some minority group offended.

There's nothing wrong with having a collection but it becomes a problem when it overwhelms your space. When you're not displaying it properly you're not enjoying it and it turns into clutter.

I have a whole area in my closet for displaying shoes. They are in rows. But nobody comes in my closet so they are only on display for me. It's pretty spectacular.

Paris was a museum displaying exactly itself.

I just have a hard time displaying things.

Character and intelligence are the poles you talent spins on displaying your gifts.

We shall say clearly that any symbol conspicuously displaying religious affiliation in school is prohibited.

When you're displaying content any technology will use more power to display versus not displaying content.

In displaying the psychology of your characters minute particulars are essential. God save us from vague generalizations!

Ralph [ Nader] is an old friend of mine and he does a useful job in displaying a position.

Shoulder width is an absolute requirement for displaying the V taper that will make or break your physique.

Funny how women are ashamed of their inner fairy whereas men are forever proudly displaying their inner cowboy or fireman

Marriage is not mainly about prospering economically. It is mainly about displaying the covenant keeping love between Christ and his Church

In displaying the psychology of your characters minute particulars are essential. God save us from vague generalizations!"(Letter to Alexander Chekhov May 10 1886)

The heavens call to you and circle about you displaying to you their eternal splendors and your eye gazes only to earth.

Our legal and political culture has created a bias in the law that borders on censorship against reading displaying or quoting the Bible.

The nurse knocked softly on the door of the examining room and wheeled in a shiny silver tray displaying neatly arranged instruments of torture.

So I ask that these papers be taken for what they merely are: exercises trials tryouts a means of displaying possibilities not establishing fact.

displaying true emotion-what we want to ask but somehow feel if ask for it - will be taken as bad criticism.this is guilt

As a writer as a storyteller you have to have your emotions close and the older I've gotten the less I've worried about not displaying emotions.

He inclined his head ever so slightly displaying with his bearing the supreme confidence even arrogance that is the sole providence of cats dragons and certain highborn women.

I am very interested in what has been called bad taste. I believe the fear of displaying a soi-disant bad taste stops us from venturing into special cultural zones.

It is undoubtedly true though it may seem paradoxical --but in general those who are habitually employed in finding and displaying faults are unqualified for the work of reformation.

Good or bad positive or negative there is no comment more insulting to a poet than one displaying that you have not properly read and considered the things they wrote.

I'm trying to expand the notion of curating. Exhibitions need not only take place in galleries need not only involve displaying objects. Art can appear where we expect it least.

The origins of disputes between philosophers is that one class of them have undertaken to raise man by displaying his greatness and the other to debase him by showing his miseries.

God created me"?and you"?to live with a single all-embracing all-transforming passion"?namely a passion to glorify God by enjoying and displaying his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life.

But of course there are all kinds of freedom and the kind that is most precious you will not hear much talked about in the great outside world of winning and achieving and displaying.