Dictatorial Quotes

Partnership is the way. Dictatorial win-lose is so old-school.

Saddam is a familiar dictatorial aggressor with traditional goals for his aggression.

In a free world there is alas more common crime than in a dictatorial system.

One doesn't want one's democracy to behave like a dictatorial or fascistic police. One doesn't.

Many Communist government officials have a rigid dictatorial power but they live in constant suspicion and fear of anything that might undermine the power they have.

There are a lot of benefits representative of government and it is far better than any type of dictatorial system and it is far better than a one-man rule situation.

Donald Trump really has authoritarian dictatorial instincts.

Military or dictatorial rule is not good for our Pakistan.

The fallacy is to believe that under a dictatorial government you can be free inside

To force a human being to learn according to a set curriculum is a dictatorial act.

Ahmadinejad's dictatorial ways have hurt Iran's image across the globe and could be a prelude to dictatorship.

Submit your sentiments with diffidence. A dictatorial style though it may carry conviction is always accompanied with disgust.

Is the Church fulfilling a purely religious role when by its silence or friendly relationships it lends legitimacy to dictatorial and oppressive government?

The fundamentalists are insistent that they know best. It's a dictatorial attitude towards personal morality which is a modern creation that came about in the 19th century.

Power is always a corrupting influence. In this mythical time - let's call it medieval feudal - people in power are dictatorial and don't want their positions of power to be threatened.