Crazy World Quotes

I wouldn't want to bring a kid into this crazy world right now.

It would make me feel that creative art has a chance in this crazy world that we all live in.

I do a lot of reading meditating and praying to stay as grounded as I can be in this crazy world.

In the crazy world of touring if something gets stuck at customs I can do a show with just my amp!

My story of success and failure is not just about music and being famous. It's about living and loving and trying to find purpose in this crazy world.

It is true that women tend to be more identified with their bodies because in this crazy world both men and women measure women's value as human beings in relationship to their physical appearance.

To be able to help a 13-year-old kid from the Bronx follow her dreams just by letting her know she's not forgotten in this crazy world - that's why I got involved with Frum Tha Ground Up.

In a crazy world it's only your insanity that will keep you sane

I wanted to work with those boys (producers Andy and Larry Wachowski) because they're so eccentric and peculiar. Larry of course is halfway towards being a woman now. It's a crazy world.

Comedy has been my way to reconcile with the world. I didn't really set out to do this but comedy has served as my outlet to address my issues I have with this crazy world.

It's a crazy world stardom. I don't even think of myself as a star. I just like to go to work.

Well you know in this crazy world of entertainment I would say if you have a dream you have to pursue it.

It's a wonderful time when you sit down around the table for dinner and discuss life. No matter where you are it gives the semblance of normalcy to my crazy world.

In this crazy crazy world of figure skating it is easy to focus on a name or a target. But when you are going after someone it really only holds you back from what you are capable of yourself.

The world may be broken but hope is not crazy.

My hustle is just too crazy. I'm trying to take over the world!

There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy.

You can only drive yourself crazy if you have no distance from the world

A lot of things that happen in the world make me a bit crazy.

The thing that drives me most crazy in the world is not to be believed.

The world of knowledge takes a crazy turn when teachers themselves are taught to learn.

The world is this incredibly blurry crazy dream that I'm just sort of stumbling through

The world thinks eccentricity in great things is genius but in small things only crazy.

I think it takes a little bit of crazy to make a difference in this world.

If kids really made all the parents better there wouldn't be crazy kids in the world.

I have yet to figure out whether it is I am that am crazy or the world.

Money management is the only strategy to survive in this crazy stupid and doped financial world market.

We South Africans are also crazy about football so the World Cup can be nothing but successful.

Tyranny of freedom is do what you like. There's a world gone crazy cause it can't say no.

Someday war and poverty will be crazy and we will wonder how the world allowed such things to exist.

It's the same the world over. A Hollywood production comes to town and the locals all turn movie crazy.

Since we do operate in a binary world if there's something that cannot be this or that it drives us crazy.

I'm writing constantly about all my crazy experiences across the world so I have a lot of music I've already written.

Have the courage to be selfless in a world were such qualities are not admired. Dare to be differnt. Be crazy!

The amazing thing is that we're right to hold onto hope. The world may be broken but hope is not crazy.

How can you be happy in a world like this? You have got to be crazy to even attempt something like that.

There are only two kinds of businesses in this world: Businesses in crazy competition and businesses that are one of a kind.

I realized either I was crazy or the world was crazy; and I picked on the world. And of course I was right.

When the whole world is running headlong towards the precipice one who walks in the opposite direction is looked at as being crazy.

Fish from all over the world from deep in the sea wind up in countries from Germany to Japan. That is just crazy.

Greed has driven the world crazy. And I think I'm lucky that I have a place over here that I can call home.

If we are crazy then it is because we refuse to be crazy in the same way that the world has gone crazy.

The greatest player in the world. He's got a fantastic vision of the game and what he can do technically - it's crazy.

I think it takes a long time as you get older to realize just how crazy the world is just how ridiculous it all is.

I'm really good at World of Warcraft. Like crazy good. Put me in front of a computer and it's like I enter some other universe.

I'm used to being crazy and "rock-n-rolly" which is a little different than this world. For me it was a chance to stretch a little bit.

I didn't really start appreciating Picasso until a few years back. I didn't like him at all. But now I can see this world is crazy.

They knew who I was in Australia in 2006 but not to a great extent. Now with the momentum of a second World Cup it has gone crazy.

You can only do what you can do in this world. If you start thinking of all the white noise out there I think you'll go crazy.

The Sixties of course was the worst time in the world to try and bring up a child. They were exposed to all these crazy things going on.

Look we're all saddled with things that make us better or worse. This world is a crazy place and I've chosen to make my work about that insanity.

The world is becoming an immense military base and that base is becoming a mental hospital the size of the world. Inside the nuthouse which ones are crazy?

I will spend anything on the best sheets in the world because I am going to be in them every night. I like them white and crazy soft.

He knows that you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance just to keep the world from running you plumb crazy.

...My point is I went crazy. When I saw what a black awful joke the world was. I went crazy as a coot! I admit it! Why can't you?

You can have the platinum album but when you still feel like you haven't quite found your place in the world - it kind of gives a crazy offset.

If you behave like a regular guy you get treated like a regular guy. You can't cut yourself off from the world. You ultimately would go crazy wouldn't you?

Here we are standing face to face isn't this world a crazy place just when I thought the chance had passed you go and save the best for last.

Darling -- I suppose the world would consider us absolutely crazy but it is wonderful to feel that way isn't it? Sort of a perpetual springtime in our hearts.

If God was giving me a ham I'd be crazy not to receive it. Maybe it was the ham of God who takes away the sins of the world.

I feel like even in this crazy world of Trump getting elected and these things that really kind of caught me off-guard I feel like I understand less than I did.

In my crazy world above all were the only one who was the ugliest. And you were the only one...who was the most beautiful.... This is the unspoken truth.