Country Artist Quotes

Country artists have advantages all over the place. The radio support is incredible. The fanbase is rabid all over.

Well you know people don't know me as a country artist and I am new to the genre. But that's how I grew up singing.

It used to be that youd have a song recorded by a major country artist and if it was a hit you could buy a car. Now you can buy a dealership.

I'm not really a big Springsteen guy. I'll listen to the music but ... I didn't really get attached to it as much as like country artists. That's really who I listen to.

I wouldn't necessarily say she is a country artist. I mean obviously Taylor Swift started in country but she morphed into somewhat of a cultural icon so who am I to judge what she is?

I'm not sure how we exist as an artist without country radio.

I'm a country artist first and just happen to be on television doing it.

Everyone loathes his own country and countrymen if he is any sort of artist.

I don't want to just be an artist for one country I want to produce for the world.

To retain his dignity an artist must live in opposition. He must be critical of his country. If not then he is worthless.

I see little more important to the future of our country and our civilization than the full recognition of the place of the artist.

When I land in a country and they ask for 'occupation ' I always just put 'artist.' I think that covers all of it.

I knew I didn't want to make a country record just because that's not really what I would have ever made as a solo artist.

I think every creative impulse that a working writer or artist of any sort has comes out of that dark old country where dreams come from.

I don't mind putting my heart out there for the audience and for the country music fans... to be vulnerable with them... that's my job as an artist.

For an artist to go and play in a country that occupies other people's land and oppresses them the way Israel does is plain wrong. They should say no.