Copper Quotes

Even before the discovery of copper South Australia had turned the corner.

Some minds improve by travel others rather resemble copper wire or brass which get the narrower by going farther.

He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting 'All the Gods are bastards.'

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.

Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet Through Love all that is copper will be gold Through Love all dregs will become wine through Love all pain will turn to medicine.

The vessel though her masts be firm Beneath her copper bears a worm.

My ignorance of science is such that if anyone mentioned copper nitrate I should think he was talking about policemen's overtime.

At 7:45 p.m. I was shot in the left arm by a friend. The bullet was a copper jacket 22 long rifle. My friend was standing about fifteen feet from me.

What is Africa to me: Copper sun or scarlet sea Jungle star or jungle track Strong bronzed men or regal black Women from whose loins I sprang When the birds of Eden sang?

Give an Irishman lager for a month and he's a dead man. An Irishman's stomach is lined with copper and the beer corrodes it. But whiskey polishes the copper and is the saving of him.

It was very dark; but in the murky sky there were masses of cloud which shone with a lurid light like monstrous heaps of copper that had been heated in a furnace and were growing cold.

Globalization has made copper and other minerals more valuable and Ghana and Kenya have recently discovered mineral resources.

Iron which is brought near a spiral of copper wire traversed by an electrical current becomes magnetic and then attracts other pieces of iron or a suitably placed steel magnet.

Through love scraps of copper are turned to gold.

... as lonesome as a kitten in a wash-house copper with the lid on.

Just because there's tarnish on the copper doesn't mean there's not a shine beneath.

An intense copper calm like a universal yellow lotus was more and more unfolding its noiseless measureless leaves upon the sea.

jinn . . . occupy bodies which are in a liminal state . . . when consciousness is a sheet of copper beaten down mirroring only the moment

From myself I am copper through you friend I am gold. From myself I'm a stone but through you I am a gem!

Honest men live on charity in their age; the almshouses are full of men who never stole a copper penny. Honest men are the fools and the saints.

Human material existence is limited by ideas not stuff people don't need copper wires they need ways to communicate oil was a contaminant then it became a fuel

If complete and utter chaos was lightning then he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards!

Every male in the world thinks he's an excellent driver. Every copper who's ever had to pick an eyeball out of a puddle knows that most of them are kidding themselves.

Bend color names which should be made of neon or copper tubing. Place an object on a surface - trace the object - then bend the object - leaving some part of it attached.