Colourful Quotes

Colourful autumn is a tristful travel to the pale Planet of Melancholy!

Why would anybody lie? The truth is always more colourful.

My music is bejewelled it's colourful it's romantic it shines.

American Apparel does great colourful basics that you can customise.

Life would be so colourful if only I had a drink problem.

Ours is a colourful and diversified world. It is also a complex one.

My sense of view became tactile not colourful immediate not distant. Something within arms' reach

The brassy wood-pigeons Bubble their colourful voices and the sun Rises upon a world well-tried and old.

When your thought is right your imaginations will be colourful; you will then dream and not have nightmares!

I have a very lively and colourful show. It's two hours of hits and the music speaks for itself.

From politics and business to music and food to culture African-Americans have helped to shape our state's colourful past and its future.

Frankly I've got to admit that I'm not perfect and have made some mistakes as some of the colourful stories about me reveal.

I know I've had an unusual beginning and a colourful life but that wouldn't matter if I couldn't make it speak to other people.

I like colourful knickers but most importantly a great pair of knickers should be taken off with more joy than they were put on.

Under Thatcher who ruled us with an iron rod great art was made. Amazing designers and musicians. Acid house was born. Very colourful and progressive.

On bad days I like to wear something colourful so I strike attention. That's how I appear confident to others - and how I get confident.

My dream is to own a Hockney - I'm a Yorkshireman and his vibrant colours are a good example of how the north-country people are vibrant and colourful.

Rainbows are said to be beautiful!Rainbows are said to be colourful!Rainbows may possibly be magical!But I have never seen a rainbow appearing in the sky!

I didn't realise my upbringing was unusual until my teens. As the child of two actors I presumed that visiting film sets and being surrounded by colourful characters was normal.

All the world loves a young emerging artist and sometimes it seems that all the world wants to be one - on a bad gloomy planet to be colourful and creative seems so promising.