Clips Quotes

My daughter gets to paint my nails and put clips in my hair and I love it.

I think the media loves taking the most absurd clips for a sport that has become congressional politics.

For video clips you can always assume that there is a creative component since you are literally dealing with production values.

Ordinary Geiger counters worn on belt clips and resembling pagers have been in use by the U.S. Customs Service for years.

There are a few YouTube clips of me singing at The King's Head in Santa Monica so you can see how bad I am.

We are all amateur attention economists hoarding and bartering our moments - or watching them slip away down the cracks of a thousand YouTube clips.

On NBC MSNBC and Hulu you can size and cut clips to whatever length you want. Do online clips affect the TV market? I'm guessing not really.

I've only seen a handful of short clips of my U.S. Open win. I remember how I did it; I don't need to watch a video.

My wedding was at home so I didn't really want to wear a veil in my house. Instead I wore a lot of diamond hair clips. They were brooches actually designed by Lorraine Schwartz.

I would love to do something like 'Tosh.0 ' where I host Internet clips. I did host 'Talk Soup ' which is similar. I love doing that making fun of video clips on the Internet.

I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.

I'll leave you fulla clips like the moon blockin' the sun.

Knowledge falters when imagination clips its wings or fears to use them.

I've no use for talking would just as soon store paper clips in my mouth.

The thousands of clips on internet are better to us than any DVD that could have been released.

Freedom or jail clips inserted a baby's being born/ Same time a man is murdered the beginning and end.

I've known Nicholas Parsons for a fairly long time and his geniune pleasures are in rubber tubes metal clips

In teaching I like being able to present clips from movies on VHS or DVD and then talk about them. That's what this movie is.

The endless newsreel clips of nuclear explosions that we saw on TV in the 1960s (were) a powerful incitement to the psychotic imagination sanctioning *everything*.

Belief may be no more in the end than a source of energy like a battery which one clips into an idea to make it run.

Another definition of modernity: conversations can be more and more completely reconstructed with clips from other conversations taking place at the same time on the planet.

Every day I'll get sent clips via email. I watch them and see if there's something of substance or significance.Some nights are super busy; some nights are quiet.

I don't know that I've seen a lot of things I've done from beginning to end. I think I've seen clips and freaked out. I'm not somebody who watches things they've done.