Class Teacher Quotes

My mother was a teacher my father was a community organizer. I come from a working class background.

As the daughter of two teachers with first-class degrees I'd always seen myself as a duffer by comparison.

Realistically I think we are not prepared to go home until we do get more teachers and lower class sizes.

I wrote my first 30 books as a teacher. I would read to my classes and they'd give me feedback. I was trying to role model.

I got picked on a lot even by teachers too. I liked to listen to musicals and bake and my homeroom teacher found out and mocked me in front of the whole class for baking.

If I wasn't an actor I'd be a teacher a history teacher. After all teaching is very much like performing. A teacher is an actor in a way. It takes a great deal to get and hold a class.

He thinks about his teacher in his literary class he's staring at her legs.

Back in the class room open your books keep up the teacher don't know how mean she looks.

No teacher should be required to accept in a class any individual whose conduct habitually interferes with the teaching of others.

I know I learn a lot from the students in my class and I'm not just saying that to sound like some generous teacher.

I won't say I was slow developer but our teacher was quite pleased to have someone her own age in the class to talk to.

If you miss one class you know it; if you miss two classes your teacher knows it and if you miss three classes the audience knows it

The teacher should use illustrations for the better teaching of the lesson and never to fill up time to amuse the class or to display his own genius.

I started the class late. The teacher said I would have to learn as much in half a year that the others learned in a year. I did it.