Cheapness Quotes

Cheapness is a great virtue.

The cheapness of man is every day's tragedy.

Wait! Don't applaud my cheapness! I've got other crap I need help with!

There is a gulf between the high value Americans put on life in theory and its cheapness in practice.

I feel like a lot of my aesthetic was in response to feeling the awfulness and cheapness of that [ the 70'th].

The natural impulses of every thoroughbred include his sense of honor; his love of fair play and courage; his dislike of pretense and of cheapness.

The cheapness of man is every day's tragedy. It is as real a loss that others should be low as that we should be low; for we musthave a society.

Here's what I think: the five most unattractive traits in people are cheapness clinginess neediness unwillingness to change and jealousy. Jealousy is the worst and by far the hardest to conceal.