Charlize Theron Quotes

I love the way Charlize Theron and Kate Moss dress.

My girlfriend looks a little like Charlize Theron...and a lot like Patrick Ewing.

I thought Charlize Theron was awesome in 'Mad Max ' and that was a very masculine kind of hero.

I think everyone has a girl crush on Rihanna. Who else? Charlize Theron she's hot. Scarlett Johansson I just love all those bombshells!

I definitely have role models. But it's hard to say "Okay I want to be Angelina Jolie " or "I want to be Charlize Theron.

I want to play a character I've never been before-a crazy serial killer like Charlize Theron in Monster. I'd love to have to shave my head.

There's a perceived inverse relation between looks and talent. Look at Charlize Theron - she made herself ugly for 'Monster' and suddenly everyone said 'she's a genius.' It shouldn't be like that.

I would love to do a dramatic comedy. All of that it all interests me. At some point I want to do my 'Monster ' like Charlize Theron so I'm buckling up for that.

I guess because I pay so much attention to the physical part of the character I don't look upon it as like Charlize Theron up there. I don't think of them as like Charlize Theron films.