Cannibals Quotes

Cannibals are devouring senators.

I Play Dodgeball with Cannibals (Chapter 2)

Cannibals prefer those who have no spines..

Laistrygonians. Cannibals. Northern Giants. Sasquatch legend. Yep yep. They are not birds. Not birds of North America.

In '73 I photographed the cannibals in New Guinea. They treated me OK but they didn't make you feel relaxed... I managed to escape unscathed though I'm pretty good at that.

We cannibals must help these Christians.

Are there any vegetarians among cannibals?

Childhood is cannibals and psychotics vomiting in your mouth!

People are just cannibals unless they leave each other alone.

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Those that want friends to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts.

Just as irrigation is the lifeblood of the Southwest lifeblood is the soup of cannibals.

Most vegetarians I ever see looked enough like their food to be classed as cannibals.

I hold that such a question can never arise except in a society of cannibals.

Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals.

Two cannibals eating a clown. One asks the other 'Does this taste funny to you?'

Think of it. To go down to posterity as a 'man who lived among the cannibals.'

There are some politicians who if their constituents were cannibals would promise them missionaries in every pot.

The ruling class isn't dissatisfied: they are healthy well-fed live in beauty enjoy their own importance: fun-loving cannibals.

I love hearing details of writers' craft as cannibals eat the brains of clever men to get cleverer.

Our enlightened posterity will look back upon us who eat oxen and sheep just as we look upon cannibals.

We talk of the Turks and abhor the cannibals; but may not some of them go to heaven before some of us?

Two cannibals were eating a comedian and one of them turns to the other and asks 'Does this taste funny to you?

One can always tell it's summer when one sees school teachers hanging about the streets idly looking like cannibals during a shortage of missionaries.

Men become cannibals of their own hearts; remorse regret and restless impatience usurp the place of more wholesome feeling: every thing seems better than that which is.

If there had been any formidable body of cannibals in the country Harry Truman would have promised to provide them with free missionaries fattened at the taxpayer's expense.

In case my life should end with the cannibals I hope they will write on my tombstone 'We have eaten Dr. Schweitzer. He was good to the end.'

The school even had a Latin motto: Pergo et Perago which sounded like the story of two Italian cannibals but which actually meant â??I try and I achieve.

We need new friends; some of us are cannibals who have eaten their old friends up; others must have ever-renewed audiences before whom to re-enact the ideal version of their lives.

It is silly to go on pretending that under the skin we are brothers. The truth is more likely that under the skin we are all cannibals assassins traitors liars and hypocrites.

I don't want to slam somebody else's religion. I mean as a Catholic we're basically cannibals: We eat Jesus every Sunday you know? So who am I to say your religion is creepy?