Brother Growing Up Quotes

Comic books and The Chronicles of Narnia. My mother used to read those to me and my twin brother growing up.

Growing up I loved drama and fantasies. I hated the Marx Brothers. I took all that confusion seriously.

I started golfing at a young age and growing up with two older brothers it made me mature a lot younger.

Growing up with three brothers and three sisters I was the storyteller of the family... what my mother called 'The Liar.'

I'd pull my little brother on our motorcycle on an inner tube behind it. We would go fishing we would hunt some growing up.

It was so inspiring for me to watch tennis growing up. I thought I was really good playing until my brother told me I wasn't!

My brother and I we were both relatively good-looking guys growing up but we had our awkward stages where we were just hard to look at.

I started with golf because I saw my brothers play I was always watching them. It was my life. Growing up we always played competitions like chipping hitting.

Growing up I played in garage bands and cover bands with my older brother and he got us a gig opening up for some hippie jam band. I was 15. I felt like such an adult!

I always felt the Jewish part more. In fact growing up I felt like a Jew among WASPs. My brother is more decidedly Waspy.

Many of the most successful men I have known have never grown up. Youthfulness of spirit is the twin brother of optimism... Resist growing up!