Brain Food Quotes

I'm always trying to find brain food and indulge in knowledge that's gonna be useful.

Libraries are the ultimate restaurants for brain food. I sleep better knowing there are libraries. I would take a bullet for a librarian.

I have no idea what that is but yawn anyway just on principle. Eat up. Pancakes is brain food. Apparently not grammar food. Wow.You college girls are mean.

books are brain food. If every American would purchase the equivalent of his weight in books each year this country would be a different place.

I think there's a part of my brain where food language and memory all intersect and it's really powerful. I think I'm not alone in this.

Food is a lot of people's therapy - when we say comfort food we really mean that. It's releasing dopamine and serotonin in your brain that makes you feel good.

Medical tests have shown that giving stimulates a part of the brain that gives us the same gratification as when we eat food or have sex.