Blueprint Quotes

An over-reliance on past successes is a sure blueprint for future failures.

As the render is to the building and the blueprint to the machine so sport is to social existence.

There's no blueprint; getting married doesn't make you boring having kids doesn't make you boring having money doesn't necessarily have to make you boring.

I always think about the next generation and creating a different blueprint for them. That's my goal: to let them know there's another way.

There was no blueprint or how-to manual for fixing a global financial meltdown an auto crisis two wars and a great recession all at the same time.

A script is a unique literary form because it's not the end product; it's a blueprint. If you're not thinking of that end product there's going to be a disconnect.

A career for me is something like building a bridge. You know where to put the lifts. You have a plan. I have a blueprint for each film but not for my life.

There's no blueprint for where I should be. I see myself as a young good actor who still has a lot to learn. There's nobody at any point in their career who is the finished article.

I think the first thing you should know is that nobody in country music 'made it' the same way. It's all different. There's no blueprint for success and sometimes you just have to work at it.

The liberal agenda is the blueprint for national ruin.

Oh now that's a blueprint for an impossibly rosy future

Enthusiasm is the power that transfers the mental blueprint into the physical dimension.

Labour's constitutional blueprint is nothing less than a plan for the destruction of UK democracy.

You can't get a movie made without a script; it's the blueprint to your building.

I've put our guys in position. I gave them the blueprint. I think they're ready.

The life you make is the life you will have. Your decisions are your blueprint.

Any system or blueprint for success is better than none at all. Think on paper.

Some directors I worked with didn't even know how to read a blueprint understand a plan.

A blueprint for disaster in any society is when the elite are capable of insulating themselves.

Ultravox were the blueprint for what I wanted to do but I stumbled across them by accident.

The British health care system is a blueprint for the failure of Obamacare as it is structured.

There is no blueprint to leadership quite the conundrum in a business world where standardization is celebrated.

God doesn't always give us a blueprint for our lives but he always gives us a next step.

Kept looking for something to be in with. Follow someone's blueprint. But you have to be on your own.

Writing mirrors the interior self. You know any book is like the perfect blueprint of the psyche of the author.

Before devising any blueprint that includes the assumption of Having It All we need to ask ... Why do we need Everything?

Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. "There is the blueprint " they say.

Don't deprive yourself of the exciting journey your life can be when you relinquish the need to have goals and a blueprint.

Begin each day with the blueprint of my deepest values FIRMLY in mind then when challenges come make decisions BASED on those values.

You can have all the knowledge and skills in the world but if your money "blueprint" isn't set for success you're financially doomed.

The person who constantly studies without doing spiritual practice is like the fool who attempts to live in the blueprint of a house.

I don't believe the writer should know too much where he's going. If he does he runs into old man blueprintÂ?old man propaganda.

It is not until you change your identity to match your life blueprint that you will understand why everything in the past never worked.

The world is not to be approached blueprint in hand as if it were so much raw material waiting to be fashioned to someone's design.

Integrity: A name is the blueprint of the thing we call character. You ask What's in a name? I answer Just about everything you do.

Who could believe an ant in theory? A giraffe in blueprint? Ten thousand doctors of what's possible Could reason half the jungle out of being.

If a work of art is to explore new environments it is not to be regarded as a blueprint but rather as a form of action-painting.

Poems can't help but be personal. Mine are certainly an accurate blueprint of the things I think about if not a record of my daily life.

The media has a formula they have a blueprint for destroying Republican political officials they don't like. It's not gonna work on Trump. He doesn't fit that mold.

My dad wanted me to go down a more academic route. He is very much about sticking to the rule book and sticking to the blueprint of a successful career.

With the blueprint contained within this book and my using my recent viral quote as a case study you can dramatically increase the probability of creating your own viral success.

What if you love knowledge for its own sake not necessarily as a blueprint to action? What if you wish there were more not fewer reflective types in the world?

A screenplay is really a blueprint for something that will be filmed. Therefore you must always keep in mind that whatever you write is going to be staged for real.

There is a blueprint for every accomplishment-all we need to do is to know how to follow it. Trial and error is ridiculous after the truth has once been established.

Keep an open mind and be ready to change and adapt to the situation. Don't ask reality to conform to your blueprint but transform your blueprint to adapt to reality.

We shall have a race of men who are strong on telemetry and space communications but who cannot read anything but a blueprint or write anything but a computer program.

Kneel down to pray. Step up to serve. Reach out to rescue. Each is a vital page of God's blueprint to make a house a home and a home a heaven.

Rewrite rewrite rewrite don't be precious about your first draft it's an architectural blueprint to a whole building be your own worst critic confront your weakness and remember it's a craft.

Everyone is ready to receive this new blueprint. It's simple easy flowing. Nothing too complicated and everyone will feel at home being able to come in and just receive this energy.

When you open your mouth to speak you reveal a great deal. The words you use and the way you speak are like a blueprint of who you are deep inside....

One brain's blueprint may promote joy more readily than most; in another pessimism reigns. Whether happiness infuses or eludes a person depends in part on the DNA he has chanced to receive. (152)

There was really nothing you could use as a blueprint for your life except your past. There was no starting over. There was only picking up the pieces someone had left behind.

It all comes down to this: if your subconscious "financial blueprint" is not "set" for success nothing you learn nothing you know and nothing you do will make much of a difference.

There's never been a blueprint I just keep exploring doors as they open. But whenever people would ask me what's my favorite thing to do it was sitting in for Larry King.

My friend Michael Reagan has given us the blueprint for a new Reagan revolution- and he has given Ronald Reagan back to us again. Read it learn it live it love it!

It started off really"¦claustrophobic. I feel like I was really really protected. Really guarded with myself. I feel like they [Def Jam] were giving me the blueprint and I couldn't get with that

You need a blueprint to build a house because you need to know how far the concrete is going to be poured and you need to know how think the walls have to be.