Being Creative Quotes

I really loved what I was doing being creative and being funny as a stand-up comedian.

I don't fight creativity. I don't fight against not being creative. If I'm not being creative I'm not forcing it.

Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative and by being creative you can get beyond your pain or negativity.

I love coming up with the stories and being creative and working with creative people and coming up with visuals and creating characters.

I like acting when I can pick my own roles and I do. It's fun. I like being creative and it's a creative process.

You do not want to be in a creative organisation with everybody being like-minded and stroking each other's creative egos. You want differences of opinion... constructively.

Film and the other creative industries are being transformed by digital technologies.

Being inexhaustible life and nature are a constant stimulus for a creative mind.

Being creative is at the heart of being human and of all cultural progress.

I'm very supportive of creative people being paid for the work that they do.

I'm used to being in creative environments where people throw out a lot of ideas.

I don't chase what everyone else is looking for. Being creative is all about you.

Every human being has creative powers. You were born to create. Appreciate your inborn potential.

Having ideas is not the same thing as being creative. Creation is execution not inspiration.

Nothing will stop you being creative more effectively as the fear of making a mistake.

I get a kick out of being an outsider constantly. It allows me to be creative.

Learn from your rejections and polish your craft. Write for the sheer joy of being creative.

One cannot live a creative life without first letting go of the fear of being wrong.

Being creative on the waves is challenging but we each create art in our own way.

Sometimes some of the best moments are contributed by the actors being creative with their own improvisations.

I worked very hard on those movies but there was some creative connection that wasn't being made.

Everything changes. This is the key to feeling powerful but also to being creative in the world.

Stuart Murdoch is a really special human being - really creative but also really kind and gentle.

Creative activity is one of the few self rewarding activities. Being creative is like being in love!

Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius and the world has lost an amazing human being.

Being creative isn't confined to a specific set of professions -- everyone can and should be innovative.

I'm really thriving and enjoying being a part of a really vibrant creative team and doing creative work.

Keeping perspective and being happy and being energetic and being creative - that's all tied to being healthy.

There is no room for being creative in today's business... Except for finding creative ways to be inefficient.

Private imaginings may have no outcomes in the world at all. Creativity does. Being creative involves doing something.

I think as long as you're being creative and finding your own work interesting that's all that matters.

A person might be able to play without being creative but he sure can't be creative without playing.

I think of there being two conditions that creative people go through. I think it's fear and curiosity.

To have the sense of creative activity is the great happiness and the great proof of being alive.

Even when I stop performing or stop making records I won't stop being creative. Songwriting is a good outlet.

They enjoy thinking. They enjoy being creative. They enjoy having ideas. Most people do not enjoy thinking at all.

I was surprised by how much I loved Portland. It is so wonderfully creative without being artsy. Great food scene.

I am young! Being creative and keeping your brain occupied is very sensible because if you don't you die slowly.

I see myself as a creative being. My only fear is compromising my integrity. I guess that's a constant struggle.

The creative genius may be at once naive and knowledgeable being at home equally with primitive symbolism and rigorous logic.

The best songwriting comes from being as creative as you can and editing it down to the good bits essentially.

Copying isn't particularly creative work. Being inspired by someone else's idea to produce something new and different IS creative work.

I think being open-minded about what Nature is trying to tell you is the key to being creative and successful.

The promise of business is to increase the general well-being of humankind through service a creative invention and ethical philosophy.

I've been singing since I was two. Music was my first passion and I love writing singing creating and being creative.

There's a creative freedom with being under the radar. But I guess if you're too under the radar you get canceled?

After being in the creative hermetic state I have been in coming out has been painful but it is getting easier.

Being around people who are happy and people who are creative that's what you do if you're lucky in your life.

I like being involved in interesting and creative things. I'd just rather be involved in creating it rather than being in it.

While you're being creative nothing is wrong. There's no such thing as a mistake and any drivel may lead to the breakthrough.

At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being

I'm really into football gadgets adventurous activities and cooking new creative recipes right now - but you'll never catch me being boring.

Being at the genesis of the creative process is definitely something I want to keep doing. It's just such a great buzz.

I love being creative and for me it doesn't matter what it is - whether it's art or music or just daydreaming.

I'm never happier than when I'm being creative whether that's with Coldplay or other artists. I just love being in the studio.

When you're being truly creative time stands still and you enter a dimension that can carry you beyond the ordinariness of everyday life.

Every individual who is not creative has a negative narrow exclusive taste and succeeds in depriving creative being of its energy and life.

Being successful as a creative person is a crapshoot but it's essential if you feel drawn to being creative that you express it.

I wasn't interested in fame or fortune. I was interested in being an actor and being creative. I was very adamant about that.

I'm just a very creative and outgoing person and I love being around people and being around music. It just gives me energy.

Maybe down the road I can see myself being part of the creative process but acting is definitely my first and true love.

You want to feel that you can do something creative that you love without being picked apart and mutilated for other people's pleasure.

I love being involved in all of the creative stuff; I love talking ideas with directors. Anyone with an imagination can create something fun.

Your unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through you and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. Your creativity is always in demand.

Freewill means that the Universe never judges never interferes with your own choices - and sees you as a being of equal creative power.

It's all about doing work being creative and staying true to who you are and having fun. That's what us actors are all about.

I like being able to marry the actor and the technician inside of me. It's really fulfilling. It exercises all of my creative muscles.

Nothing feeds the center of being so much as creative work. The curtain of mechanization has come down between the mind and the hand.

I was always being creative. I could never have played a defensive role because I would have been forced to destroy the other player's creativity.

Knowledge is the stuff from which new ideas are made. Thus the real key to being creative lies in what you do with your knowledge.

Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment and being love is a supreme creative act.

I enjoy writing the same way I enjoy doing standup. Part of the challenge is being creative and making it work no matter what the constraints.

Though we marry as adults we don't marry adults. We marry children who have grown up and still rejoice in being children especially if we're creative.

I'd like to think you don't stop being creative once you get happy. My ultimate goal is to end up being happy. Most of the time.

Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being - the wise loving powerful creative entity that we are at our core.

Music has become a bigger business and with that there is more pressure to succeed; I think that it creates a negative pressure for being creative.

Being creative is not so much the desire to do something as the listening to that which wants to be done: the dictation of the materials.

Knowledge comes from the past so it's safe. It is also out of date. It's the opposite of originality... Experience is the opposite of being creative.

If there is one word that makes creative people different from others it is the word complexity. Instead of being an individual they are a multitude.

That's something I've always been down with: creative commons and people being able to license their music and allow other people to reuse it and recycle it.

Relevance for me is about being creative and doing things that you believe in whether that's music or acting or painting a picture or whatever that is.

The possibility of being as free with the camera as we are with the pen is a fantastic prospect for the creative life of the 21st century.

I'm just confusing the thrill of being young with the notion that the era in which I was young was in any way especially creative or remarkable.

Never give up. Never stop being creative in finding ways to get exposure. Also prepared anytime and all the time. You never know who you will run into.

When the economic well-being of their nation demanded a strong and creative response my colleagues at the Federal Reserve... mustered the moral courage to do what was necessary.

I don't know what it is about the shower that generates creative thoughts. Maybe it's the hot water. Maybe it's being unencumbered even by the restriction of clothing.

I love being creative. I love acting but I also love directing because you get to have a vision for the whole and bring that vision to fruition.

That's what's so amazing about climbing - it's not just a sport. It's a lifestyle it's a way of being creative of connecting with yourself and with nature.

As well as being a creative genius Vidal Sassoon was a formative figure of the Sixties. Along with the Pill and the mini-skirt his influence was truly liberating.

Any creative process is about being in a territory which isn't secure isn't necessarily familiar and isn't convenient in any sort of way. And that's the excitement of it.

Writing for me is a form of spiritual discipline and creative vision a means of being in the world and giving one's love to it without compromise or dilution.

What you have to do to achieve what you want necessitates the creative actualization of the totality of your being as it is. Nothing more but also nothing less.

A lot of times in movies you see the "small town" people being bowled over by this creative entity or this corporate ideal and it's not true at all.

Unless a man learns how to create he never becomes a part of existence which is constantly creative. By being creative one becomes divine; creativity is the only prayer.

I'm always flattered when people on the far Left manufacture a new version of being 'offended.' They can be quite creative in finding something that hurts their feelings.

Those are the two things: a sense of loving and being loved and being creative - that is what life is made up of and what literature reminds us of.

Making music being creative in some primal way should be fun. Listening to it or playing it can and should take you out of yourself for some brief blissful moments.

You can always think that we're old and not innovative but there is no company that can limp on for 139 years without being creative and having the genes to change.

When we talk about compassion we talk in terms of being kind. But compassion is not so much being kind; it is being creative [enough] to wake a person up

Being creative means first of all doing something unusual... On the other hand however unusual it may be the idea also has to be reasonable for people to take it seriously.

Writing is nearly always a matter of finding whatever your brain needs to trick it into being creative and in my case a tiny little bit of fact just seems to work.

I think that the notion of being creative is the notion that inwardly you assume that many things are possible. And that you can try these things and that something will happen.

Crime is a job. Sex is a job. Growing up is a job. School is a job. Going to parties is a job. Religion is a job. Being creative is a job

If you were really interested in being creative in teaching it was possible to try new methods and that was really what we did in Goldsmiths - we used the freedom of the time.

It's impossible having five six seven people in a room being creative together and not fight because you want to fight. It's the only way creativity works if you all put your ideas in.

The consistency - either the theme from record to record or the band the different musicians - it really varies. So if I get criticism I don't worry about that because I'm still being creative.

Being creative is having something to sell or knowing how to sell something or having sold something. It has taken over what we used to mean by being "wised up" knowing the tricks the shortcuts.