Arrivals Quotes

From the newest arrivals to our Native American brothers and sisters we are one America.

I have specific playlists for arrivals in different cities. Tokyo skews new wave Paris more jazz and New York is Top 40.

Islands are reminders of arrivals and departures.

Departures and arrivals tend to emphasize people's personalities.

The startings and arrivals of the cars are now the epochs in the village day.

As an actor you realize that your whole life is about arrivals and departures. You're always meeting people you get really close and then you all have to leave.

Oh Spring is surely coming Her couriers fill the air; Each morn are new arrivals Each night her ways prepare; I scent her fragrant garments Her foot is on the stair.

The observations that have developed over the years have given us perspective about where we fit in. We are newcomers really recent arrivals on a planet that is four and a half billion years old.