Amazing Journeys Quotes

My sister she's amazing. She sort of inspired me to take this journey to Latin America.

As his partner on this amazing journey I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success. He built it.

I've been pleased to work with so many wonderful stars through the years. This has been an amazing journey. I hope it continues.

I was homeless for a little bit. I was on people's couches but it was an amazing journey. I got to make people laugh all the way.

Whether it's 18 years old or 40 years old we think we know what's going on. But if you're lucky enough to continue the journey its amazing how we keep learning how much we didn't know.

My main trick is to work with amazing people. It's a long and twisty journey and you need people that really are amazing and have this rare gift of honesty and courage and really open up.